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TX4 Hackers (Names and Evidence Included)

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Names of Possible Hackers: Hate, and Amonos

Screen Cap Created by: Lodestar and Drakonous

Encounter 1:

Players Involved: Neko, Darkmessa and Drakonous. Possibly: Hate. Confirmed: Amonos.

Players Online: Neko, Darkmessa, Drakonous, Hate, Amonos, Lodestar

Story: My group and I encountered a sniper at Stary Sabor near the military camp, we tried running them over with our jeep. While they were distracted by the jeep I killed them with my FN FAL. Not a few moments later we see and hear a large explosion and decided to investigate finding nothing but a dead body with not more then a patrol pack and flash light. We decide to head back and continue our raid on the camp only to have another sniper shoot at our vehicle. Neko then shot the sniper in the head killing him. At this point I looked at the player menu to see Amonos log out then back on which confirms him as the dead player. We then decided to head out.

Encounter 2:

Players Involved: Lodestar, Darkmessa and Drakonous

Players Online: Lodestar, Darkmessa, Drakonous, Hate, Amonos.

Time Elapsed: Less then an hour.

Story: We then went to the North West Airfield after picking up Lodestar and having Neko log out for the night. We decided to head in to the airfield from the north and work our way to the southern Barracks. Upon reaching the Southern Barracks Darkmessa noticed the door open and I had a bad feeling. Not 5 seconds later gun fire comes from behind a building. I high tailed it out of there. Due to the shear absurdness of the entire event. Darkmessa and Lodestar died.

Aftermath: After the two hackers logged off the server I re-logged on to grab as much of my teams loot as possible. Apparently Darkmessa killed one of them who happened to be wearing a ghillie suit. I proceeded to loot the hackers body and low and behold I found their contents. A Hacked in MK 48 Mod 0 along with NVG's. How do I know it was hacked in? All they had other then that was a Cayote Patrol Pack, bandages and a Flashlight... As to the other guy we cannot tell what he had as he had survived like me.

All I ask is that these hackers are brought to justice.

Screen Shots:




Note: Screen Caps by me are that size due to having to window program to take them.

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I remember when we where at Stary and bumped into them, i put 5 rounds from my M249 Saw into the first guys head and then ran him over with our car about 7 times, and he still wasn't dead and there is no way at all he should have lived that many rounds from such a large gun, it takes less then that from any gun in the game when its a head shot to kill someone......That WHOLE time it was only them and our groups people on and off all afternoon.

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Mk 48 Mod 0's are in the mod thats not a hack. Why are we always reporting people for stuff that havent seen before. Go look at the loot sheet for this mod the MK 48 is listed

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True, the Mk 48 Mod 0 is in the game. But the OP is right however, it seems pretty fishy to have a very high end weapon, nvgs, and 2 bandages.

One would think that they would have tools of some sort, matches, hatchet, even a map if they have weapons like that.

and where's the food? the water?

Now before you say that someone might've gone by and taken it, why didn't they take the Mk 48? there's 4 boxes of ammo right there, enough ammo to last you a lifetime in DayZ...

Something is fishy about it, but it could also be legit. If i were a server admin, i'd check the logs for those names.

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Read the last line of text in my post plz, I said it could be legit, but that it seemed fishy.

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Carrying only a good primary and the rest shit when out to kill in a high trafic'ed area by people that are geared is tactical. Take a gun you can kill with and room to loot the poor sod. Even if he had recently spawned he could have run to a tent/camp grabbed a gun and headed out again. Not everyone runs around Mak bean war'in it up for 2-3 hours to get every possible bit of crap then head out to maybe loose it all 10mins later.

Max gain min loss for time and effort, Risk reward system in play. Less to loose less risk taken. He is maybe playing the odds better than you. Learn to deal with it, there are many meta styles of play in this mod.

As far as going to the NW AF and getting shot at, erm have you played more than a day. You know that anyone north on Cherno is Kill On Sight unless wearing the same clan tags and on comms with you right? Or maybe you are just that new and dont know that the barracks and heli crashes are the only two places to find exotic military weapons/gear. So knowing that now maybe under stand that people will go there and will KOS. Just to take your shit or the shit you might have picked up or to stop you taking shit they want to pick up.

OK move along school is over.

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First, you don't have to be condescendent. Doing that on a game forum makes you sound very immature.

We are not new. I've been playing Arma 2 for years, with clan and public servers, and we all have been playing DayZ for a few months by now. I was the one killed, yet initially I was mostly skeptic about the hacking. I was just considering those guys were good, but in the aftermath I was convinced. There's some strange stuff and I would like to have it cleared up if possible, and it looks more like a hack than anything else.

In the best possible situation, assuming they were 100% legit players: the first guy got killed, respawned, figured out where he was and the other one had a vehicle and got there from Stary to pick him up, they had a spare MK48, NVG and ghillie suit in the vehicle. They drive to the airfield, park the vehicle at a considerable distance from the barracks and camp there, on a server where us and them were the only players. All this was done in about half an hour, in pitch black night and not only killing no zombies, but also the surviving player had no zombies killed at all.

This isn't something trivial. If someone managed to do all that legit, I'd congratulate them, but this hypothesis has a few problems:

#1. They only had high end primary weapon, nvg and nothing else but the starter gear. To address your risk-reward assumption on this, I never saw them on that server and I've played there for a few weeks. They did all this in a vehicle, knowing we also had one and a good sniper, and decided to use two of the best weapons in game and the most sought after piece of gear in order to kill players they met before and knew didn't have anything better than that. I doubt someone carrying a legit MK48 and NVG, planning to engage players who already killed him, wouldn't consider not having any medical supplies a lot riskier than needing them and not having. Your theory also doesn't apply exactly, since it was a high traffic area but a server with only 3 other people, and they were carrying the small pack, so no reasonable room for loot.

#2. After we got killed, Darkmessa and Drakonous left the server. I respawned and decided to run back to the airfield and check my body, so, one of them was alone there and he knew it. Yet, when Drak came back in he found the other guy dead body and realized they left the NVG and the MK 48 behind, even having plenty of time and being alone there. Weird thing is, they loot my body and got my M4A3, 1911, coyote backpack, gps, ammo and consumables. This is strange and doesn't make sense if they are 100% legit to abandon a much better weapon and lots of ammo for it, but get lower gear from someone they killed. It also doesn't make sense if they are 100% into PK hacking. Those guys are somewhere in between, occasionally using hacks.

#3. Both players had no zombie kills. You can see the scoreboard on the screenshot, the 8th place has 1 zombie kill, 9th has none and those two guys aren't on the scoreboard at all. That's really awkward for someone camping in the NW barracks, on a server with the "spider-sense" zombies around.

#4. None of this explains the explosion.

#5. None of this explains why it took so many bullets to kill them, but I remember one of them had a very high ping, over 250, and other had around 50.

In the worst possible situation they are just hackers killing players for fun. I doubt that happened.

The only reasonable explanation I have to what happened, was that those two guys were teaming up, and were on that nearly empty server looking for gear when we first met them in Stary and killed them. They got mad at us and decided to hack in order to get us killed for revenge. They tried it first with the explosion, probably realized that was too obvious, then got the hacked gear and hacked their way to the airfield to camp for us. When we got killed they considered the job done, got the legit gear from my body and the barracks to replace their hacked gear and left the server while I was on the way there.

So, I don't think these guys are the kind of hackers who get into servers killing everyone and somehow having fun with this, they probably just got mad at us and did it for revenge, but they certainly weren't playing by the rules.

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I'm willing to admit that if enough time had passed I would have considered it reasonable they got the gear. But with Lodestar clarifying them taking his gear and the sheer fact that they left behind a very rare and powerful gun over one that's sub par doesn't add up.

It hadn't been an hour when we went there so it is impossible to say they got there in a legit manner. I've played this game for weeks now and I know it is impossible to make your way back to a camp that fast and too the airfield with no one to drive you. Let alone get ghillie suits, nvg's and top end weapons.

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Right. Thanks for the correction Drakonous. So it's even worse, because we killed them both in Stary, and there wasn't a guy alive to pick up the other respawn in a vehicle. There was no way they would get back there so fast, with high end gear, and no zombie kills.

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