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Looking For Group (age 25+)

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A few days new to the SA (played the mod for a year), steam says i've been running around for 40 hours, died 3 times - 90% of the time scavenging solo, no-one seems to want to group up yet.


I play friendly, i.e i'll help out new spawns on the coast and pass food/water along to people who need it, but i'm also very aware of the kos'ers/bandits and tend to avoid them even though i'm armed.


i'd like to meet some relatively mature players (age 25+ ish?) who are into scavenging together, hopefully make a few friends in game because at the moment it's a pretty dull/lonely place!





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I'd be up for joining a group, i'm kind of sick of getting shot on site before i even manage to scavenge the smallest bit of gear!

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pm'd with my steam user - a bit futile right now as steam's down!

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You can count me in. I'm 22 but i hope you don't mind. 


I'm new to the game and some guys were all friendly and stuff and tried to make me hit a gas pump with an axe "to get stronger"... and i'm like "Seriously?". They left me alone with some food, but guess what? yeah, it was all rotten, damage food; they pretended to leave and i went the other way; a few minutes later, i saw them following me from far away and suddenly, when i entered a shed, one of them opens the door, i put my hands up and he still shot me!... 


I'd really like to play along with some people, scavenge and protect others from abusers and bandits like those.

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You can count me in. I'm 22 but i hope you don't mind. 


I'm new to the game and some guys were all friendly and stuff and tried to make me hit a gas pump with an axe "to get stronger"... and i'm like "Seriously?". They left me alone with some food, but guess what? yeah, it was all rotten, damage food; they pretended to leave and i went the other way; a few minutes later, i saw them following me from far away and suddenly, when i entered a shed, one of them opens the door, i put my hands up and he still shot me!... 


I'd really like to play along with some people, scavenge and protect others from abusers and bandits like those.

22's fine, I put the age as 25+ there as a way of warding off younger/immature people. 

my steam name is aeskrett if anyone wants to add me!

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Hey guys,


I'm 25 played the mod loads and recently moved over to SA.


Anyone who's mature but at the same time up for a laugh and is UK/Europe based (but ok speaking english) feel free to add me.


My Details are in this post http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158520-looking-for-a-group-please-post-your-details-here/?p=1589718

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25+ is kind of a harsh one :P


Hope you will have fun with the DayZ forum members.

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25+ is kind of a harsh one :P


Hope you will have fun with the DayZ forum members.

Try theoldergamers.com +25 to join =) 

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Try theoldergamers.com +25 to join =) 

....wow im old.

Just the title makes me think we are creating an e-senior citizen home for ourselves.

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25+ isn't particularly harsh, the majority of people I see streaming this game or posting youtube vids are in their mid to late twenties. The story/longevity element seems to bring out more than just the cod-kiddies. 

Having said that, I wouldn't want to offend anyone in their late teens/early twenties who play maturely (i.e without being crybabies and shouting racial/homophobic/idiotic slurs)

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I would love to join! Im only 19, would that be an issue?

You can join sure, but you would not get Complete membership due to the following.




Full Membership Requirements:

It is a requirement that you have read the TOG FAQ, are at least 25 years old, and that you've completed the "TOG Member Policies" section on the Registration form. If you did not complete that section during registration you can complete it now by editing the three (3) fields listed below in the "Editing Your Details" section of the UserCP. You will find the three (3) fields near the bottom of the form:

  1. Are you applying for full TOG Membership?
  2. Age Requirement
  3. TOG FAQ

These fields must all be set to "yes" for your application to be processed.

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As you can see there is a lot of Mature Gamers =)

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