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chat issues with some severs

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In some severs i can only use vehicle, group, and the white texted chat. forgot what its called and not the global and the blue texted chat where you can talk to everyone in the sever. i like chatting while i play games like this ( with an MMO feel) and like being able to talk to everyone while i play. it also allows me to cheak for friendlies at much father distances than the white text chat. please tell me if this is a sever rule or something where its turned off or an issue with my game. Thank you.

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i see. okay, i basically am tired of getting shot by people with an AK-47 cause ive played 5 hours and still havent found a single gun only hachets. and the global chat makes it easier to say friendly.

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QUICK question:

How can i communicate with other people, without voip? We can see each other.

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You'll need to update your ARMA using the beta patches (see the DayZ wiki) - Rocket has removed the "blue" chat, also known as Side chat.

It hasn't been rooted out entirely however, and some servers are circumventing the change... for now.

TLDR: You'll need VOIP to talk to an entire server at once - direct chat is replacing it.

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