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Hello. Not sure if this has been brought up yet however, when I turn off my flashlight it appears to be off, as I cannot see anything at night. But, When I look behind me, I can see that my flashlight is still on, I can see a small light and the people I play with say they can see a small amount of light coming from my character. I've been killed twice now because of this. When I go into my inventory it shows that it is off. As of late, I have just been taking it out of my hand and putting it back into my backpack when I don't want to use it but, that can be a pain. Am I missing something? Anyone else have this issue? 

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Never used the flashlights as I avoid night like the plague. If  can confirm this is not you messing something up, stick it into the bug report section.

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I haven't been using a flashlight for a while not, but I think this could be related to the way you're holding the flashlight. When you enter "combat mode" via space bar, you would raise your fists, melee weapon or rifle and point your flashlight in front of you. When you're in "relaxed mode", you lower your weapons and also the flashlight, which causes it to light a small area next to or behind you. This obviously shouldn't happen when it's off, but next it happens to you press space a few times and see if there's a change to it. Also try 3rd person view (enter) and turn your camera (holding alt) to see what your flashlight is doing exactly.

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