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(18+) Looking to form a band of Lawbringers.

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Hello all,


The name is Drunken. I'm 28 years old and I've been playing Day Z since pretty much the start of the mod. Myself and a small group of long-time gaming friends are looking for others to help form a group of players that would essentially patrol the coast and aid friendly survivors by maybe providing them with spare gear/food. We'd also defend them from coastal bandits and act as something of a police force. 


I love this game, but I'm afraid alot of people looking for a zombie survival game may become upset by the pure number of people just camping the coast for an easy kill, this is an attempt to at least stem that on the servers we would play on and help newer players to the game.


I know some of you may scream that is the nature of the game, but I still think it sort of takes away from it. Some people may think it a boring premise, but imagine...You're on a patrol group, you stumble on a string of fresh spawn corpses...and at the end of that path is a man wielding an axe, would it not be fun to arrest this man, place him in restraints, then question him/her by maybe force feeding the suspect rotting food or disinfectant in order to punish his/her crime? 


We do use MUMBLE. We have a Mumble server up and it is a requirement. People wishing to join with us, must not be the excitable sort who screams out like a puppy and just goes off all crazy like. We play tactically, sure we have fun, but when its time to hunt, we maintain radio silence, relaying on pertinent information in combat. 


Anyways, anyone wishing to join send me a message on Skype. Kkracker86. 


Thank you for your time.

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A very noble and honorable quest! I want in, but as some others have mentioned I'm skeptical of how we will know the bandits from the hero's. Unless we catch them in the act of 'banditing' we won't know for sure. But I'm eager to be involved and try and make dayZ a better game for others.

1. Steam ID: Dridge

2. Name/Nickname (What the hell do we call you?): Dridge

3. Age: 25

4. Experience level: Rookie (going on pro), only played SA

5. Special ingame skills (Good pilot from the mod, good sniper, good orientation to the map/landmarks etc.): For a rookie I think I've got good map knowledge. Also I stay up to date with latest change logs

6. Why you feel you would be a good addition to the force. Sick of SOT, willingness to help others (to the detriment of myself at times), looking for an enjoyable way to make the game better- without resorting to SOT bandit tactics myself.

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