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Enviromental sounds (birds: natures natural warning system)

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My idea was that if you stayed in a spot long enough (like when you are out hunting) the animals and birds would start coming back to wear you are located and talking, chirping etc. When you moved or when someone started walking up they would stop chirping or "fly away". This would be like a subtle early warning system if someone is moving towards you. This would also create more of a natural enviroment and immersive effect.

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Would be sorta hard to implement, but I agree. Like birds/ambient sounds go silent when in proximity to a bandit/zombie or something. That'd be cool

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I'd really like the ambient twig sound removed. It's really paranoid when you're running through the forest and you hear the ambient twig break. Same goes for all the other ambient sounds that make movement-esque features. This would give them a nice purpose rather than removing them outright

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Leave the ambient sounds for bandits, remove them when a zombie comes by is my take.

Also, the chain-link fence getting bumped ambiance in the left channel makes me freak out every time.

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