[email protected] 164 Posted December 24, 2013 Areas of high value loot/gear seem to be a huge focus for a lot of players in this game. The game usually consists of spawning, getting basic supplies and heading for high value areas such as military bases and or airfields. These areas seems to be places of farming and camping, the only real threat are other players a handful of walkers and your personal needs. I would like to see some more progression for these areas. Not a simple case of every military base is a high loot base. Every base has a cookie cutter threat level. Now, I feel there should be low end military camps, medium and high. Low level camps would consist of low level military gear with fairly low level slow unarmored zombies, mainly civilian, think an FOB ( Forward Operating Base ) military base like Balota on the coast where lots of civilians were taken in when the outbreak started and now overrun they wander the place aimlessly looking for a victim, most of the high end gear has already been plundered . Zombies not too much of a threat, can be killed with small arms and melee weapons. The loot you obtain from these low level areas will give you military spec shotguns, sub machine guns such as the SA series among other arms of this nature, and armored gear to allow you to progress to being able to enter the next level of military installation. The next level bases slightly further inland. These bases were the FOS ( Forward Operation Sites ) which held pre-positioned equipment such as medium level arms and armor, gas masks with gas tanks and air filters, biohazard suits, the weapons would be superior than the low level base gives you, some basic automatic assault rifles, light machine guns both with no special attachments and the rare grenade. Zombies would be somewhat tougher than the low level military base. You wouldn't want to enter the area with a house hold pistol, hunting rifle or double barrel shotgun and forget melee weapons. Most of the zombies in this place would be wearing lightly armored gear. They would take a fair few rounds to kill and would not go down from melee attacks ( you could knock them down but they would still get up ). The weapons you gained from the low level military base would be more wise to use when entering this medium tiered installation. Now we come to the high level military bases, the north and east airfields ( MOB Main Operating Bases ) . These places are dangerous and highly hazardous to be. To start with they are blanketed with a chemical cloud. Possibly the cause of the original outbreak. Stored chemicals were released into the local area when the place was overrun. You wouldn't want to enter this area with out wearing a gas mask, filters, oxygen tank and a biohazard suit. Zombies here are also very dangerous, it seems being exposed to these chemicals makes them, faster and stronger. This makes them hit harder and take a lot more rounds to be taken out. They would all mainly be wearing full military armor with the odd one wearing a bio suite, these ones are nice to entice into groups as you can shoot their gas tanks which would explode. Now the gear in these areas would be highly prized, tons of medical supplies, blood, saline, IVs, morphine you name it. Along with highly prized pristine armored gear. All types of weaponry from assault rifles to sniper rifles. These places would also have chances to spawn all attachments for every weapon with a very high chance of them being in tip top pristine condition. Vehicle parts for military spec vehicles can be found here too. If you are very lucky you may even find more filters and CO2 tanks to prolong your stay in the zone. This moves me onto the next thing, your CO2 tank and filters will wear/run out over time and would have to be replaced. Thus making the player have to return to the previous bases to salvage more items. This system of invisible barrier progression I think is essential to the longevity of DayZ. This could be used on many other situation such as food, and vehicles to name a few. Vehicles especially, there needs to be a very convoluted and difficult path to take to actually obtain a vehicle. Engine, wheels, fuel tank are far too simple. Needs more additions, battery, sparkplugs, oil. Battery may not be charged so you have to find a generator, generator needs fuel. Generator makes noise, noise brings zombies. Everything needs to be a full on struggle to survive and have some sort of path and story. A beginning a middle and an end but you make that story yourself through this path of horrible odds and invisible barriers that you are forced to break through to survive. Rocket has somewhat already got these invisible barriers in place. The hunger/thirst system is a good example along with the disease system that is being added. They force you to obtain something to get to somewhere else. It's all about putting a problem in front of the player and letting the player work out the best way to tackle that problem. The issue at the minute for DayZ Game and even in the mod is, there simply isn't enough problems to overcome and if there is, they are simple too easy to overcome or even avoid entirely. I know these things are absolutely possible with this engine and would utterly love to see them tried and tested. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mopp_94 29 Posted December 24, 2013 This is the first user Idea that ive read and really really liked the sound of. Ive always thought they need to make zeds more of a threat and this seems like a smart way of doing it. Shooting zeds has always been something people try to avoid, I like the idea of there being something other than a person in the cross-hairs of people for once. This also sounds like it would reduce KoS mentality, if people had more of an objective. But then of course people that have been to the dangerous AF's getting killed by a coast scrub would be incredibly frustrating. Although I suppose its their own fault. Hmmmm Still I like the idea so far, you have my beans sir! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted December 24, 2013 This is the first user Idea that ive read and really really liked the sound of. Ive always thought they need to make zeds more of a threat and this seems like a smart way of doing it. Shooting zeds has always been something people try to avoid, I like the idea of there being something other than a person in the cross-hairs of people for once. This also sounds like it would reduce KoS mentality, if people had more of an objective. But then of course people that have been to the dangerous AF's getting killed by a coast scrub would be incredibly frustrating. Although I suppose its their own fault. Hmmmm Still I like the idea so far, you have my beans sir! Thanks for supporting the suggestion. I would also like to add that gear in the lower tiered bases would be predominantly of a lower quality, worn, damaged etc.. Also in the chemical cloud zone there's a chance for zeds to split, rip and tear your suit with a high chance of getting infected, losing precious CO2 and getting bled depending on the quality of the suit and the damage inflicted. So the need for bio hazard repair kits would be another item to loot from previous bases. Maybe even duct tape as a makeshift alternative but you still lose some CO2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites