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just a rant; no value.

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Finally made it to green mountain after traversing the night, climbing the peak of the hill i approached the fence with caution making sure to keep distance between me and the area itself as the gates come into view i approach cautiously, they're closed which makes me feel a little safer i can't see the building as it's too dark and i'm still suspicious that someone could be inside (as i myself close all doors and gates after myself to make people think places are unattended) so i open the gate and HA! a zombie is still loitering inside so i'm like yes place should be full!

Once i open the front doors to claim my earnings the reality quickly dawns on me, the holding cell is open nothing in there, run around the corner and the office door is open with just a rotten apple and a broken headlight so lastly i go upstairs a pair of pants nothing else... all looted...

I fucking hate server hoppers.

Being on any night server if you press P you can just watch em jump in and out seeing nobody plays night servers it's a good place to see just how rampant they are! 

Just felt like ranting about this so complain about my complaints all you like!

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Its nuts man, but atm its really the only way to get anything of value beyond an axe as far as US-EAST is concerned. Try jumping onto a fresh server in balota and witness the bloodbath

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:facepalm: makes me want to cry ;(...the server hoppers

Edited by ???????????
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:facepalm: makes me want to cry ;(...the server hoppers

To those who don't server hop: Did you know that loot takes a very long tine to respawn? Did you know that most of the time near spawns the citys are already looted? Did you know that there's no other way to get around all that without server hopping or running for 15 minutes.

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To those who don't server hop: Did you know that loot takes a very long tine to respawn? Did you know that most of the time near spawns the citys are already looted? Did you know that there's no other way to get around all that without server hopping or running for 15 minutes.


Most of the people server hopping are doing it because they are afraid of confrontation.  They can't stand a challenge so they leave.  Or they start a fight and are losing bad so the hop to a different server, sometimes they hop to a different server to move to another spot and then log back in to the original server to have a better shot at the person they're fighting.


In short, most server hoppers are just looking for the easy way out.  Yes, I have left a server that had no loot between Cherno and Zelengorsk, but that was after I died from starvation, and then spawned like 20 seconds from where I originally spawned.

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