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Apple Monster

Some things I would like to see...

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3rd day playing DayZ and I'm getting into it, I really like the feeling of being alone and somewhat helpless.  Here are some things I would love to see in the future releases.  And I'm sure some of these have been suggested elsewhere.


  1. More zombies!  Only about 4 zombies per hour of play for me right now.  Wish there were spots like "hordes" in buildings.
  2. a compass.  Not sure if there is one for loot, but it would be sweet to have one of these.
  3. Loot Map - doesn't even have to be a full map, just some kind of way to tell where i've been or am going at night I guess.  A lot of the time at night, I find myself going in circles.  Is there a north star?  Maybe a north star would be good to add into the skybox. C'mon guys it would take 2 seconds to paint a little star to the north!
  4. Zombie collisions - nuff said.
  5. Flashlight - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add some kind of fall off for the flashlight.  Right now there is a single spot being used, maybe they could also attach an omni light to the flashlight socket to illuminate a bit of the environment around the character...you know, like a REAL flashlight?
  6. Doors - I would LOVE it if the doors always opened away from my character.  A lot of games do this already.  Or even hide the collision when the door is opened for a sec, or clip the player avatar when doors are moved.
  7. Lighting - At least add SOME kind of lights in the game beyond the skylight and daylight.  Why can't there be a huge fire burning in one of the towns?
  8. Sleeping??? - Not sure if this makes sense, but at one point I was like "it would be cool if I could take a nap"
  9. 2 handed wielding - You mean I can't hold my light and my weapon at the same time???? WTF?
  10. Better hand to hand Combat - Hand to hand combat is HORRID.  I can't even tell if I'm nailing a Zed until they fall to the floor.  Maybe some blood spray or something???

I guess I'll stop there for now, I'm sure I'll add more later.  Thanks!

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Compass is in the game just gotta find it.


Loot map: not so sure about this but being able to mark on the map yourself where you have been would be okay i think.


zombie collision: obviously will be fixed


Flashlight: sort of agree, could maybe implement different flashlights such as an LED flashlight is better than the regular flashlight... the headlamp is currently a lot brighter and wider than the standard flashlight though.


Doors in real life dont always open both ways. some do but especially doors in homes...


Zombie apocalypse = no one running the power plants = no power, as for the fires... MAYBE but the game is set a little bit further into the infection to where most fires would have burned out by then...


Sleeping. absolutly... would love to be able to have to find a bed or use a sleeping bag to log out of the game at all... would prevent combat loggers and server hoppers.


2 hand weilding sure. but to an extent flashlight and pistol yes, flashlight and axe swinging, no...

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Sleeping. absolutly... would love to be able to have to find a bed or use a sleeping bag to log out of the game at all... would prevent combat loggers and server hoppers.


This is an AWESOME !!!! idea. please do this

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  1. More zombies!  Planned
  2. a compass. There already are compasses.
  3. Loot Map -No. NO.
  4. Zombie collisions Planned. Read the FAQ/announcement section
  5. Doors -I'm not sure what you're asking here
  6. Lighting - Have you ever been to the east bloc? It's amazing Chernarus has streetlights at all, working or otherwise
  7. Sleeping??? - Planned or at least discussed
  8. 2 handed wielding - No
  9. Better hand to hand Combat: Yes, knife is practically unusable, blunt weapons can't hit anything
Edited by Applejaxc

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No 2 hand wielding?  This is one feature I would assume would be a no brainer...for at least a blunt object and flashlight.  Or heck, even freaking being able to not have to ALWAYS remove the flashlight when you want to eat a damn apple. lol  If they want to go realistic, these are completely necessary for gameplay.


Loot map - If there goal was to make a true to life experience of a PostAP world, there would HAVE to me a map somewhere.  Or let me draw a f*king map in the game i don't care. lol  All i'm saying is if they want to make a realistic game like I assume they do, then add the things we would HAVE in real life.  If i'm supposed to be on a 24/7 server, I want to f*king draw a damn map in my free time. lol


Doors - I understand doors only open one way...then at least add a character animation so my character would react to the door opening as in real life, and not just be magically pushed back like a doll.


Please keep in mind, my number one assumption is that a game like this would simulate immersion and real life experiences.  So my "feature requests" are for a game that is comparable to a real life experience. If this game isn't supposed to be close to a real life Post AP, then I'll eat my words. lol

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3rd day playing DayZ and I'm getting into it, I really like the feeling of being alone and somewhat helpless.  Here are some things I would love to see in the future releases.  And I'm sure some of these have been suggested elsewhere.


  1. More zombies!  Only about 4 zombies per hour of play for me right now.  Wish there were spots like "hordes" in buildings.
  2. a compass.  Not sure if there is one for loot, but it would be sweet to have one of these.
  3. Loot Map - doesn't even have to be a full map, just some kind of way to tell where i've been or am going at night I guess.  A lot of the time at night, I find myself going in circles.  Is there a north star?  Maybe a north star would be good to add into the skybox. C'mon guys it would take 2 seconds to paint a little star to the north!
  4. Zombie collisions - nuff said.
  5. Flashlight - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add some kind of fall off for the flashlight.  Right now there is a single spot being used, maybe they could also attach an omni light to the flashlight socket to illuminate a bit of the environment around the character...you know, like a REAL flashlight?
  6. Doors - I would LOVE it if the doors always opened away from my character.  A lot of games do this already.  Or even hide the collision when the door is opened for a sec, or clip the player avatar when doors are moved.
  7. Lighting - At least add SOME kind of lights in the game beyond the skylight and daylight.  Why can't there be a huge fire burning in one of the towns?
  8. Sleeping??? - Not sure if this makes sense, but at one point I was like "it would be cool if I could take a nap"
  9. 2 handed wielding - You mean I can't hold my light and my weapon at the same time???? WTF?
  10. Better hand to hand Combat - Hand to hand combat is HORRID.  I can't even tell if I'm nailing a Zed until they fall to the floor.  Maybe some blood spray or something???

I guess I'll stop there for now, I'm sure I'll add more later.  Thanks!

1. More zombies will come, at the moment zombies don't respawn, which means if you see a lack of zombies, it means someone has already been through and killed them, and due to needing more optimization, they have to limit the number of zombies spawning, but as they optimize and add respawning, you will see more and more zombies, this is already something planned.


2. They have a compass already



3. There is lootable maps already, you find them in fragments, both compasses and map fragments are kind of rare right now however, so I am not surprised you don't know about them.

Edit: Marking maps with pens would be good, and potentially already planned(they already have pens and paper in game after all), I would also point out this site especially if you're new to chernarus, or even if you're a veteran, as it shows all the updated locations as well, more useful if you have a second monitor or you bring the map up on a tablet however.


4. Again, already planned for the future


5. This would be nice, more realistic flashlights, keep in mind however they will have things like chem lights and flares in the future that you can carry around, and possibly others as well, there is also gas lanterns already in the game, though I don't think they work at the moment, and not sure if you'll be able to carry those around


6. The doors are an issue, though a minor one, I am not sure if this will ever change due to how the engine works, but for now, just stand back when opening doors, at least its not like in the mod where you could end up with broken bones from a fence gate swinging open into your character.


7. In the mod there was barrel fires and such around cherno and other places, I am sure stuff like this will get added in the future.


8. Sleeping I have no idea about, the only way this would make sense is for some kind of log off mechanic, but even then I don't know how it would work, a lay down animation like F3 for sitting would be good however(and yes I know you can prone, but you can't lay on your side or back)


9. This might be a feature, but obviously only for one handed things like...well, I don't know actually, all melee weapons seem to use both hands for swinging, Rocket mentioned something about it in regards to holding a flashlight above your pistol, but due to the way DayZ SA handles held items it would be rather time consuming and complicated to implement, however, he did say they wanted to do it at some point(not confirmed, but a possibility)


10. You do get hit markers when you hit things with melee, its actually pretty fluid, especially compared to the mod, it is based on the swing of your weapon, and you hit whatever your weapon hits, though due to the temporary animations for axe's and the likes, its a bit more clunky at the moment, the axe seems to swing from top left to bottom right of your screen if you don't have it "ready", but for the most part you will usually hit the zombie more if its to the left of the center of your screen while holding an axe, try hitting space and trying melee in each stance with the weapon you have, use what feels better to you.

If it takes awhile for it to register hits, its just lag and there is nothing that can be done.

Edited by Atomizer

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A lot of the time at night, I find myself going in circles.  Is there a north star?  Maybe a north star would be good to add into the skybox. C'mon guys it would take 2 seconds to paint a little star to the north


The north star is already there, It has been since the mod. One of my favorite things to do is look for constellations while running between towns at night..XD

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Loot map - If there goal was to make a true to life experience of a PostAP world, there would HAVE to me a map somewhere.  Or let me draw a f*king map in the game i don't care. lol  All i'm saying is if they want to make a realistic game like I assume they do, then add the things we would HAVE in real life.  If i'm supposed to be on a 24/7 server, I want to f*king draw a damn map in my free time. lol


Doors - I understand doors only open one way...then at least add a character animation so my character would react to the door opening as in real life, and not just be magically pushed back like a doll.


On the issues of the map and doors. If you want to draw a map then go ahead. There's already a map of the country posted here http://dayzdb.com/map. Screen cap it and draw all over it if you like. Some things are better left out of the game than in.


Now for the doors. I assume that you don't have much experience with the Real Virtuality engine that the game runs on. It's about 12 years old and doors have operated the exact same way since Operation Flashpoint and have persisted through the Arma series. I really don't see it changing in the near future.

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Fires: I don't think there should be any "automatic" fires as city illumination. I think it should be entirely player created. Along with that there should be different types of fires to create all requiring different supplies. I.e. a camp fire (few logs and stones), a barrel fire (a barrel and some wood), a bon fire ( a LOT OF FUCKING WOOD and a street pavement area). I don't know those are just a few ideas. But each should obviously have different fields of illunination, warmth, and time they burn before going out. I don't know just an idea.

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Fires: I don't think there should be any "automatic" fires as city illumination. I think it should be entirely player created. Along with that there should be different types of fires to create all requiring different supplies. I.e. a camp fire (few logs and stones), a barrel fire (a barrel and some wood), a bon fire ( a LOT OF FUCKING WOOD and a street pavement area). I don't know those are just a few ideas. But each should obviously have different fields of illunination, warmth, and time they burn before going out. I don't know just an idea.

And a good one at that, which would tie into base building.

The downside would be, not just players will see it, but zombies would be drawn to the light if it was visible enough, just as they would a gunshot.

So I picture people would build walls around their fires to keep light to a minimum, or even doing it inside buildings, maybe with the ability to barricade/cover up the windows?


Heck, for a quick stop, once vehicles are back in, a fairly large group could setup their vehicles in a ring around the fire to block as much light as possible.....

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Thought of another Idea that might be great for groups.  Spray paint cans to tag walls.


Well, spray paint is confirmed. Rocket even said you'd be able to paint guns, and make improvised explosives.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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