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tard (DayZ)

Cannot use flashlight?

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Hi I am having some trouble getting my flashlight to work. I have it on my toolbelt but pressing "L" doesn't seem to do anything. Can anyone help? Night is unplayable at the moment for me.

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If your flashlight is on your toolbelt, you need to right-click it and move it to your Pistol Slot. This only works when you don't have a pistol! A pistol or flashlight can be stored in a backpack and uses up 5 slots. Once in your pistol slot, you need to make sure your flashlight is in your hands and then press L.

It's worth noting that actions are either performed by right-clicking an item in the gear (press G anywhere), or by scrolling the mouse wheel and then pressing middle mouse wheel to perform action.

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Thank you for the help. Are you saying the flashlight doesn't work if you have a pistol?

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Thank you for the help. Are you saying the flashlight doesn't work if you have a pistol?

The flashlight has to be held in your hands, which is the same as your pistol slot currently. This means that you need to put your flashlight in your toolbelt when you want to use a pistol, or your pistol in the backpack (5 slots) when you want to use a flashlight.

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Okay thanks very much for the help! Time to survive at night finally.

Take your time... and worst case scenario; SOS in morse code with your flashlight!

Okay thanks very much for the help! Time to survive at night finally.

I forgot to mention that you can find weapons with flashlights attached! Glock 17, Remington 870 and M4A3 are examples.

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