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Big Oso

Ban info

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Ok I'm a little confused here. I ended up on the Darwin list of banned players (very last guy on the list: "10544262 Big Oso")

thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1689

I thought this was a BattlEye ban but i most be wrong because i was able to get on a server with BattlEye running. So im just asking for information on my ban.

I'm assuming it's from an incident where i picked up hacked weapons from a dead bandit that were invisible and shot full auto, 500 rounds without reloading, plus a full auto rocket launcher. I told people on the server chat that i think i had picked up hacked weapons, but no one cared. then i shot all the rounds so no one could pick them up of me. I did kill a few zombies that heard the shooting. But the whole time a played DayZ i never killed a player. so I'm surprised to see me on the list.

i just want to know, is this a BattlEye ban? Or just DayZ? and what was i banned for. Also i get no message when i try to log on a serve, like a global ban message. my game just freezes on the loading screen and i have to Ctrl + Alt + Del to get out and shut down Arma.

Thank you for your time.

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It's a database level ban iirc, you'd know if it was a global ban because you would get messages telling you how screwed your copy of Arma is.

EDIT: And by "Messages" I mean the window that pops up for hackers that says "You have been globally banned by BattlEye" or something along those lines.

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well i know i wasn't banned from BattEye now because my unit has BattlEye on the server and im not getting kicked. So I cant be banned for hacking so what rule did i break to be permanently banned?

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well i know i wasn't banned from BattEye now because my unit has BattlEye on the server and im not getting kicked. So I cant be banned for hacking so what rule did i break to be permanently banned?

You sir are on the very long, even prestigious, list of people who "happened upon" a hacked weapon stash. At some point you need to either attribute this fate itself, or realize that everyone is just hacking them in themselves.

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Well is there anyone I can contact to get this fix? Hell, to me quit honest I don't care that much if I get unbanned, I really didn't play DayZ that much. What I really want is my name off that list because it caused tension in my squad/clan because they thought I was a hacker.

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I'm pretty sure Rocket taking your name off isn't going to happen, as you are currently serving as an example to others what happens when you cheat.

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well then im just done with dayz. im sure the Dev. think they are doing good, or they just don't care about the few, to appease the mob. One or the other. But I frankly I just don't care anymore I think that fact that BattlEye didn't didn't ban me is proof enough I didn't hack/cheat. and to those that think im lying, i hope you make the same (but honest) mistake I did. Hell how about you test it out and video record it. And show the dev. team they are wrong.

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