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Th3mandalorian (DayZ)

Damage stats for M4?

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Hey guys!


Just a quick question. On Dayz wikia its written that with the m4 it takes 1 bullet to kill in body or head. Is it true? I just had a close encounter (2 feet away in the door of a barrack) i started shooting with my m4a1 - got 10 bullets (in the body) in the guy and he still managed to split my head with an axe. Btw he was also glitching through walls....



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any gun kills in 1 head shot (unless your lucky and your ballistics helmet blocks it. in my experience the m4 will kill/unconcious someone in 3-5 shots. Hell even an axe to the head will outright kill you

Edited by Ynneead

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well idk maybe i always shot someone who was already dying then. i only have a 10 round clip for my m4 and i never empty It possibly im lucky and always get headshots? :D

Edited by Ynneead

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I dont know if this is true or false... but I kill one with 4 shots... 2 in legs, 1 in body and 1 in head.

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You can't one shot someone with an M4 unless it's to the head unless he's very low on health.

Edited by Dodimir

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There are a few things you need to take into consideration.


Gear takes part of the damage now.  Different items take different amount of damage.  For example, a pile of wood in your backpack will take more damage than a bag of rice.  Those items, when they take damage, can stop your character from getting injured.  Also, different clothing can take different amount of damage.  The ballistic helmet for example can stop a bullet if the bullet hits the helmet.  A bullet proof vest will stop the bullet.  So when you have someone wearing really protective gear and having strong items to take damage, some people can manage to survive getting hit by more rounds than normal.

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i wanna try that now lol fill everything in my backpack with wood and running around military bases with a ballistics helmet!

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