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Possible to know my health?

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Basicly is it possible or realisticly possible for the game to know your health or to have some sort of indicator apart from the grey colour of your screen?


Like how much blood you lost and how fast you are bleeding apart from the weird stream or red fluid coming out of my back.


Because when i'm near death I can't see myself taking a 100m sprint anymore.


You get a zombie bitchslap and you are unconsious, would like to know how much I can take before my body fails.


The same goes with the hunger, when will you die from thirst and/or hunger...OK well maybe that should remain a mystery because you don't know in RL as well. Maybe based on your stamina you could last longer. It would be stupid to have a timer..."you're going to die in 3, 2, 1...ugh" :P


But a basic indication of health.


And if I have lost a lot of blood, I think my char would feel whoozie and unable to maintain his balance.


I don't mind I don't have a HUD, no complaints about that.


(i've tried searching and get a lot of indirect topics about it)



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They're adding indicators. Just don't know when.

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Yeah i know what you mean, i think the system just didn't evolve enough yet lets just be patient about how this turns out ^^.

Edited by Subject42

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I find how grey my vision is helps me to guesstimate, also how often my character needs to eat or drink. As it stands I see in full colour and I don't get those messages any more, and I have a "healthy" message in my inventory where the orange hunger/thirst boxes appear.

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I havent been on in a couple of days but when did they add the Healthy Moodle Box in the inventory screen? I dont think i have ever seen that moodle.. But as Ulfhedjinn said, you can tell how close to death you are by how gray'ed out your screen is and by how fast your hunger and thirst come up..

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Maybe based on your stamina you could last longer.


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