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My only real complaint is the glitchy lagginess.

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So I've been pleasantly surprised with how good this alpha has actually been. Everything I have been able to do thusfar has exceeded my expectations.

The only thing that really annoys me and makes the game hard to play is the glitchy laggy movement of other players. You can see it in countless videos and examples of how people you play with glide all over the place and move through objects as if the server isn't sure of their position. This problem was present in the mod and is also present in the standalone at the moment.

I thought the network bubble was the feature that was going fix this issue but it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. My question to everyone is do you think this will be fixed? Is it able to be fixed at all? Or is it a problem with the core network of the engine that we are stuck with?

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When they smoothing the game out (with that the server stability) this will probally also be fixed, I hope atleast :P  

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Ofcourse they will "probably" fix it, if it turns out that they did not bullshit about the power they now have over their custom made engine, anything is actually possible for them, since they control it all.

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