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Blood types

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I thought this would help you all that dont know blood types well. Easiest one i could find https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=6oXi7jyg557SVM&tbnid=YowdEnGlUHFfSM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2F9gag.com%2Fgag%2F6278855&ei=lAq4Usv6FMuhsQSx_oHYBQ&bvm=bv.58187178,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNGkbnMzTZGk8sbrJuPQo0qDR0R2-A&ust=1387879229701895


The Types going across are the Donors


The Types going down are the Recipent

Edited by Gh0st1nTh3Sh3ll
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About blood types, I read they change at spawn, but I've been O- 3 times now that I checked, all different lives back to back. Can anyone confirm that they are actually changing on respawn or if it is static?

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About blood types, I read they change at spawn, but I've been O- 3 times now that I checked, all different lives back to back. Can anyone confirm that they are actually changing on respawn or if it is static?

They change. I had A+ before and now I'm AB+ (lucky, I know).

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Edited by Guest

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yes confirmed, they DO change when you die. i had A+, died, tested again and had 0+
I think they have 6 blood types in total, but it's just my assumption (A+ A- B+ B- 0+ 0-)

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Most likely they are going to give everyone one blood type tied to our accounts.


Doubt it, defeats the point of blood tests after first one you use. At most they´ll increase the spawnrate of those kits.

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Doubt it, defeats the point of blood tests after first one you use. At most they´ll increase the spawnrate of those kits.




Every time you die you respawn as a new character. Persistant blood types wouldn't make any sense.

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Would prefer consistent blood type as option for your default character.


yeah but then everyone would just choose O and there wouldn't be much point having the system in place

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While tying blood type to account isn't a terrible idea, those lucky enough to be universal receivers would have quite a leg up over everyone else.

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