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These noobs.

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Well, just your opposite gfx. All encounters start with a greeting hand. Up till now 3 kos, 5 salutes (2 I helped them a bit giving gear, 1 took axe and tried it on me lol). Point being, u can have dathmatch anywhere, why not try to "live" this one? In a survival situation u don't kill off years of experience and knowledge to get a torch that u already have...

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Use the mic people. Seriously, I'm about ready to just kill people that don't answer me. GET A MIC! AND USE IT!


If someone doesn't use a mic and runs up to me, I will dispatch them.

Edited by need matches
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I've been playin DayZ since July 2012, not everyone was KoS then.



Balota may be a high loot place, but I loot there and leave inland.  Not hang around and shoot new spawns like a total douche.



1: Axe was on my back.


2: I didn't know they were there till they started shooting at me point blank.

i have been playing dayz for around the same time as you now and i know that there are some people that are nice and friendly and there are others that KOS, it is part of the game people need to just get over that.


how do you know that  they hadnt just spawned 20 min berfore you and had just finished looting the place?


and that guy answered the way he did because you neglected to tell them very key pieces of information, in fact the way you phrased it and the way that i and what seems to be a lot more people was that you ran at 3 heavily armed guys with your axe out and thought "why in the hell are they shooting at me?".



Some people seem to misunderstand "sandbox" with the squared sand-pit they built castles in, just a few years ago...


Sandbox is about changing game-styles, not finding one, sticking to it and pretending that that's all there is. That's just narrow-minded.

there is no misunderstanding in peoples eyes of the meaning of a sandbox game, it clearly means play the way you want. and as many people have mentioned if that clashes with your style well hard luck because just as you have the right to play this game the way you want so do they.


Before another person posts that I had my axe out.... If you read all the posts, I've repeatedly said the axe was on my back. I was able to get it out and tag one before dying from the other. All this happened at point blank range. I did not know they were there untill I was literally within arms reach since I was looking with free look in a different direction when I ran into them.


I also yelled friendly and that I was a new spawn before I removed the axe from my back while under fire.


To clarify why I went back.  Since I spawned so close after being new spawned troll killed before that while they were laying in an armory with all the doors closed waiting for some bambi to walk in and just unload on them, I figured I'm come back and make them lose their gear, which judging my direct chat...  They were pretty upset.


I never told them they were playing it wrong,  I told them they were playing it like douche bags and need to TDM off the coast where players there have no defense against guns.

not true just once, and it seems that  if you told the hole story at the start about not having the axe out and them sitting in barracks with doors closed and taunting you on mic that  you might have got a nicer response form people but instead you got the opiset. and they fact they you are only saying these things now is making your story sound sketchy. i find it hard to beleave that  you ran in a room with 3 guys after opening the door with your axe on your back then said friendly and waited for a responce before taking out you axe and beating one to death all the while being shot at by the 3 of them. that  sounds sketchy as to me mate sorry but i just dont buy it.

Edited by chewythefirst

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I know they hadn't just spawned because the building had every door shut. They were lying on the upper room right in front of the door waiting for new spawns. And it takes me 5 mins to loot balotas tents, 10 to loot the whole airfield. 2 to consolidate if needed.

I also typed it quickly, most people so t like reading novels on forums.

Edited by Snipesrock

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well yes wisper that's true, i don't usually engage when i see no point in it, but with those airfields and such there is so much activity and i am not willing to risk loosing everything, so i usually lay low and if someone is on the way where i want to loot ill just shoot or if i spot that he is carrying something i want... in villages and forest i don't bother with that as its easy to hide if necessary.
besides i do not use a mic atm so cant really be chattin 

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Close enough. Ok lets start from the beginnjng then instead of summing up.

I spawned in komarovo, ran to balota, checked the barracks, went over to the armory(green building), doors were all shut, checked bottom floor, went upstairs, opened top door, 2 people with m4s laying on the ground in front of it open fire without a word as soon as the door opens.

Respawn. Komarovo. I'm irritated at them for camping balota like douches. IM close so I run to balota. Move around the back of the buildings, check the hangers, atc tower, last armory. I run across to the tents. Axe is on my back whole time. I run around a tent and come under fire from same 2 people at point blank range. I move back around the tent, yell I'm friendly. They proceed to tell me they do.t care and are gonna kill me anyway. I draw my axe, move around their horrible spraying, axe one in the back and try to move around the second guy. Get shot. Guy I hut is perma unconscious and is bitching about losing his gear.

Respawn. 100 m east of tents. I run to the tents, conscious one has his back turned. I run up and start hitting him with my fists, knock him out. Recovers, tries to run off. Bitches his mags don't work. I knock him out again. Take his gun and 2 mags, ammo was loose (go figure it didn't fire dumbest). Shoot him, guy with axe runs up behind me and surprises me. I hit him with 1 shot. He kills me with his axe saying that he's gonna kill me even though I clearly stated over Mic I had no quarrell with him. He does so.

I spawn again !00 m east of tents. I run back, see guy finally gain consciousness and kill guy with axe, then he kills me again while I was trying to avoid him.

Arguing ensues how they are douchebag spawn killers and need to go north to tdm and how I play the game wrong.

Better? Now please stop bitching in my thread how my story is sketchy and that I need to make a novel to make sense. I wanted thoughts, not flaming.

Edited by Snipesrock

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Everyone blinding running openly into known populated and hostile areas are noobs. The seasoned vet sneaks on his belly, watches the area, and only goes in if it's safe- and even then, uses cover and has places to hide if morons show up.


The game is about- survival- not dying.

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The reason they called you a "noob" is because they were butt hurt plain and simple.

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all of you who talk about "newbs this and newbs that" can kiss my ass.   :rolleyes:   You were newbs at one time as well.  Are we in fucking high school?  You give gamers a bad name, let people play the game they bought and help make it better...and give a warning dicks!  (Was recently KOS by a dick respawn)

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I run up on 3 people with nothing but an axe, on my back even.  2 people with M4's who immediately start shooting.  I axe one and he bitches, his buddy kills me.  I respawn, Balota.  I run to the tents again and knock the conscious one out with my fist, he begins to bitch as well.  I take his gun and shoot him.  A new guy runs up and axes me in the back. They proceed to argue that they are better, and playing the game properly by killing people on sight.  That I'm the noob.  I cannot see the logic. I down 2 people and they are better for killing a guy who only spawned 5 mins ago? Not in the world of Dayz.




I can say without much doubt that Balota currently holds 80% of the entire playerbase population atm across all servers

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Sure seems like it.  With they'd explore.  There is much more in the north now, unfinished, but still there.


Was in a 6 man server(including me and my 3 friends), and ran into 2 of them, and they didn't KoS.  Both parties agreed that it was nice to run into someone friendly for once.

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Before another person posts that I had my axe out.... If you read all the posts, I've repeatedly said the axe was on my back.


Why do you think that matters? Who gives a shit where the axe was? It takes like 1 second to take it out and start hacking away at people.


If you run up to strangers, expect to die. Flag them down from afar. Introduce yourself as friendly. Approach with caution and keep your distance at all times.


If you run up to me like a fucking lost puppy looking for its master, I'm going to put so many holes in you light will shine through.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Why do you think that matters? Who gives a shit where the axe was? It takes like 1 second to take it out and start hacking away at people.

If you run up to strangers, expect to die. Flag them down from afar. Introduce yourself as friendly. Approach with caution and keep your distance at all times.

If you run up to me like a fucking lost puppy looking for its master, I'm going to put so many holes in you light will shine through.

Dude, I didn't know they were there till I was literally right next to them. Like arms reach.

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Dude, I didn't know they were there till I was literally right next to them. Like arms reach.


So you were horribly unaware of your surroundings then? Who's the noob again?

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I can't see around every corner especially while watching my 2 1 year old twins.

It doesn't make me a noob. It doesn't mean I'm unaware. It means irl sometimes happens while gaming.

I call them noobs for spawn killing every fresh spawn they see. Waste of rescourses and unnecessary risk. There is plenty to do elsewhere in the map, not just waste time and rescources on freshies.

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This is why coastal spawns are terrible.


Fact that you could spawn and re engage them so quickly is a flaw in the game.

It's a flaw that they're camping near the coast for new players with M4s and military gear...making them vulnerable to being killed by new players with their bare fists?

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most of players here are veterans of Arma mod, they simply KoS. The End

I am a veteran of DayZ mod.  I still don't believe in running around KoS everyone I see.

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I call them noobs for spawn killing every fresh spawn they see. Waste of rescourses and unnecessary risk. 


Resources are infinite, and how was it a risk? You just got done telling us all how your axe was on your back.




There is plenty to do elsewhere in the map


Like what? There's really not that much to do in the game. It looks nice, and walking is fun, but trust me it gets old after a few hours.

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Resources are infinite, and how was it a risk? You just got done telling us all how your axe was on your back.



Like what? There's really not that much to do in the game. It looks nice, and walking is fun, but trust me it gets old after a few hours.


Resources are far from infinite, unless you're sever hopping.  Risk is that other KoS people are doing exactly what they're doing.  Spawn in behind you and shoot you.


Explore the map? They added more to it.

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I am a veteran of DayZ mod.  I still don't believe in running around KoS everyone I see.

Youre a daddy, i was thinking about bell ends running around or just KoSing freshmen, like meh, hehe

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"Close enough. Ok lets start from the beginnjng then instead of summing up.

I spawned in komarovo, ran to balota, checked the barracks, went over to the armory(green building), doors were all shut, checked bottom floor, went upstairs, opened top door, 2 people with m4s laying on the ground in front of it open fire without a word as soon as the door opens.

Respawn. Komarovo. I'm irritated at them for camping balota like douches. IM close so I run to balota. Move around the back of the buildings, check the hangers, atc tower, last armory. I run across to the tents. Axe is on my back whole time. I run around a tent and come under fire from same 2 people at point blank range. I move back around the tent, yell I'm friendly. They proceed to tell me they do.t care and are gonna kill me anyway. I draw my axe, move around their horrible spraying, axe one in the back and try to move around the second guy. Get shot. Guy I hut is perma unconscious and is bitching about losing his gear.

Respawn. 100 m east of tents. I run to the tents, conscious one has his back turned. I run up and start hitting him with my fists, knock him out. Recovers, tries to run off. Bitches his mags don't work. I knock him out again. Take his gun and 2 mags, ammo was loose (go figure it didn't fire dumbest). Shoot him, guy with axe runs up behind me and surprises me. I hit him with 1 shot. He kills me with his axe saying that he's gonna kill me even though I clearly stated over Mic I had no quarrell with him. He does so.

I spawn again !00 m east of tents. I run back, see guy finally gain consciousness and kill guy with axe, then he kills me again while I was trying to avoid him.

Arguing ensues how they are douchebag spawn killers and need to go north to tdm and how I play the game wrong.

Better? Now please stop bitching in my thread how my story is sketchy and that I need to make a novel to make sense. I wanted thoughts, not flaming."





Are you in the UK or NW Europe?

I ask because I am a noob, bought the game 2 days ago and got attacked by a VERY angry new spawn. One which was pretty much naked.... it was funny and weird. 


I shall start from the beginning. 2 days ago, my 1st day off from work in a while I bought the this game because of an old review of the Arma2 mod by a bunch of Australians. The reviewers absolutely love(d) this game. So I thought, ok, I'm almost skint but I shall treat myself as it's Xmas to a game which these Aussies are raving about. 

And yes, I absolutely love this game. It's so f*****g tough. I am not a good gamer but I love a challenge. I'm below average in Counter-Strike and BF3 but I love multiplayer games.


Now, in one day I died probably 18 times.

Roughly half the time it was starvation or dehydration without meeting other gamers. Where the fuck is the food? Ridiculous. One spawn I get 3 cans of food within minutes and another few spawns I find nothing in an hour. Not even a wooly hat. Random spawns this game needs. Yes, I know, it's early days in Alpha.


But back to the topic, THESE NOOBS, I am a noob and I'm proud of it. And every time I meet someone, I waved at them and only once out of 8 meetings was I left alone to get on with my business. 


I was even attacked by someone who was almost naked. I was near the coast, I was desperate because I found absolutely nothing on this server. I was thirsty and hungry and had no weapon. I see this almost naked person, we greet each other and then the person proceeds to attack me. Punch up but then the person runs away and further down the road I find his/her clothes strewn on the road.


Then in another game, I say hello to this person who seems to have every possible piece of equipment on them. I greet them, the other greets me back then offers me food. I look down on the food and I get a message which tells me that the person is tying me up. What?? WTF? I have no equipment, just a helmet from what I remember and I get shot in the head as I try to escape. Why kill me? And then the person takes my blood. Wow, such a helpful bastard this little c**t is. Only after my blood.


I love sandbox games, but boy there are a lot of c***s out there. I was attacked by people who had as little as me but still just attacked in order to gain nothing. Weird.

I had one guy who attacked me but boy did I make him pay. I smashed him with a fire extinguisher. All this person had to gain was a fire extinguisher. I died but he was almost dead for gaining a fire extinguisher when there was no fire :) .Yes I don't have a mic yet but I haven't heard anyone speak to me once since buying the game.


To be honest with you all, with this sort of attitude, I would prefer if there was a single player option. It's hard enough trying to find food without idiots online.


ANyway, so maybe Snipesrock mistook me for one of those spawnkillers and attacked me half naked after losing his temper? :D


SUMARY: Looking forward to updates when I get back home after Xmas. I hope food spawns are more random and not unbalanced in such a way that you find tons of stuff or nothing at all.  And that maybe there could be a single player option where you can avoid idiot cretins? Have some NPCs with different behaviours. (NPCs require a lot more coding but it's easily possible)



Edited by Leslie Kean

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^this. Because thats a really long quote.


This is what killing everyone on sight breeds.  New players join and want to learn and explore. All they learn is to kill everything that moves.  No growth.


Also, I'm from the west coast of the USA.

Edited by Snipesrock

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I can't see around every corner especially while watching my 2 1 year old twins.

It doesn't make me a noob. It doesn't mean I'm unaware. It means irl sometimes happens while gaming.

I call them noobs for spawn killing every fresh spawn they see. Waste of rescourses and unnecessary risk. There is plenty to do elsewhere in the map, not just waste time and rescources on freshies.

so what does you watching your twins have to do with you not knowing your surroundings????


in my sug there is a link to my youtube were you will find a video called getting a double kill with a baby in my arms, and the video is warz but what ever i still move up on two guys and kill the both of them while holding my newborn at the time and he wakes up in the middle of the battle. i still get the kills. so dont try blame your kids on you not properly looking around.

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