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Aussie Bogan

The worst back stab you have ever experienced!##Post here your Stories###

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For me,

I was walking around Cherno with my kit usual m4 etc etc

I saw what i assumed was a newcomer handcuffed and calling for help.

I spotted 2 other players, one appeared to be looting him the other keeping watch.


So i dropped both of them and took of the handcuffs with their keys.

He started to thank me and asked to join me i was OK with it...

So i helped him gear up etc from the two corpses.


I enter the nearest house looking for food.

Crouched over a pile of loot and started searching.

The player i rescued called out to "Hey man check this out!"

I spun around only to see his m4 pointed at me...


Last thing i saw was "Your dead"                    


I can imagine it must of felt like this:


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Well, such experiences teaches you not to trust anyone.

I have experienced many backstabs in the mod, Unfortunately it really makes the game much more hostile.

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Spawned bleeding, and I was paranoid and had no rags nor bandage. Was at the new military barracks near kamenka or what ever.


See a guy fully geared and I'm screaming in my damn mic "help dude omg help me! i need bandages i'm bleeding" He's confused does the friendly wiggle but I'm so paranoid that I unloaded a clip into him, still shouting "help me dude I need bandages!" while looting him. I felt so bad afterwards, but I was going nuts for bandages.

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Saved a guy from some zeds, helped him loot some, shot me while i was int he middle of answering his question.

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Well, such experiences teaches you not to trust anyone.

I have experienced many backstabs in the mod, Unfortunately it really makes the game much more hostile.

Yeah well sometimes its interesting seeing how low people will go.

If you like living a KOS trust no one policy thats OK ;)

However over time you may get bored of the KOS it's good to learn from your mistakes, whats even better for me is letting people have a choice and trying to show the dayz community not everyone is a threat :D

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I have never shot first in my time in the mod or in the SA and there were times I paid for it, but there were also very tensed encounters, that got everybody involved to 200 bpm and went without anybody fireing a shot.


BUT there was one bitch, that is stuck in my mind:


Me and a buddy were in Berenzino at the supermarked, when a guy with 10+ zombies at this back comes running our way and screams "friendly friendly". We let him go, even offering him help. He refuses and asks us a bit if there is any loot in the surrounding buildings. We have a little talk and then head to the farm buildings. When we come out of the farms, he followed us after losing the zeds and layed an ambush down. Gunning us both in the back...he was way better geared than us. Was just for fun I guess.


Pretty ordinary story I know, but direct betrayal is something that is always really freaking me out. Even if its on the internet in some game.

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I met someone at the airport near Balota who caught me bandaging and was friendly enough to provide me with a blood transfusion. I noticed that my screen was fairly desaturated and decided, what the hell. He checked my blood and his blood and assured me I was AB- (the universal recipient). When the transfusion was over he said "Bye Sucker" and ran off while I died. 


That was probably the most expensive backstab I have ever seen.

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