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My problems with this game

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Hello, i know this is alpha, and don't get me wrong, i am enjoying it alot, yet i think the point of the alpha is for the players to say their opinion on whats wrong, so heres my 2cents:

- Its too easy to gear up ( even without mentioning server hoping ), theres no balance in places, once u know where to get the stuff, those places always have an m4, bullets, mountains bag etc...

- Being hunger or thirsthy inst really an issue too, only in the first 30 mins of starting.

- well, it needs alot more loot to make it fun but this is dumb to mention , i know it will come.

- The map is too big... like seriously... its beatifull but its just too big, even for future servers with more player capacity.. and its abit too repeitive, every town looks the same, so far the coolest thing ive seen was the Devil's castle, no loot trough, its just not worth going too further into the north, u will just walk around for hours alone. Also theres an airport on the north that just has too many loot, its unreal. i found like 3 m4s around there.

- Exploring can be a good sugestion if towns looked different, like being surprised every time i get to a new place but that just ins't hapenning.

- The zombies suck, and also almost non-existent ( yes i know this will be fixed in the future ), i feel like they should be the bigger part of the game, people should need to team up to even have a chance of looting a big city, also the big citys should have better loot... the only places so far that i think are worth are the airports and the military stuff around them, bolota for example every1s around there.


Right now my playstyle always the same, log on some low pop server, get geared up on the same spots always, then go back to a full server and head to the coast coast to have some fun.. i really think this pattern which i believe every1s doing needs to be changed, 70% of the map in'st being used... maybe make different spawn locations, like totally random, but when the servers have more capacity. 


Don't flame me, this ins't a whine post, i am enjoying this game and i think it has such a great potential thats why i even care to come here... just wanted to share my opinion, see if you guys agree or not.

Sorry for crappy english.

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Stopped reading at "the map is too big"


You might have had valid points, but wtf do you mean "the map is too big"?!? No one forces you to utilize it's full potential. Feel free to stay in cherno/elektro. But don't take away my right to venture in the north. Thank you.



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-I agree with the gear being too easy to find

-Yes we need more loot

-I don't agree with the map being too big, I would expand it even more so there is more places you can hide your gear. Expanding map also needs something that would make the new area interesting, like new buildings with new loot that are only in that certain part of the map.

-Yes, for me all towns look boring, it's just the same buildings with the same loot table, I wish all towns looked different, had their own loot table and something special about each.

-The zombies suck indeed. No doubt for that

Edited by Gdaddy22
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I agree with most of that except from the map being too big. I have always felt that this is something that made DayZ what it is. When bases and storage come in later on you will be happy for the size of the map. Trust me, the game will get a lot better.

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I agree with most your points although i love the massive map once they extend the amount of players from 40 to 60 or 100. much more fun

But besides that all your other issues will be solved in due time.

As you know Dayz is at early alpha stage meaning they are just looking at the basics before that add more content.


Hang in there MATE

Your feedback is much appreciated ;)

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I agree with most of these points. I think that you more or less mean to say that the map is not being utilized to its full potential, which is a very valid statement. More elegant and varied cities and spawn points would be fantastic. 


Also, about the large map, it will be more interesting once you are able to build bases. That should add more usage of remote locations.

Edited by EncryptedCode

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Right now my playstyle always the same,



stopped reading here...


umm if u cant think of ways to entertain urself in teh sandbox, its not rockets job to keep u interested...

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So much lack of imagination by so many players. It hurts..i need tissues.

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I kinda agree, except for the map size. I would not mind if map was 2x bigger then it is, even if it had to be only forest area.

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Ok i think i get it when u say that the map is fine, my problem with it is i feel like every1 just play around the coast, and the airport near bolota... i feel theres no point in going anywhere else because i will feel alone just walking around since towns all look the same, and once u loot an airport, i go past towns with no need at all to search for stuff.. also they nothing xD Maybe with 100/100 server and vehicles the map size will feel alot better, yet i wish for some diversity on town looks. 

I once wasted 1hour on a big city to find almost nothing, when i can just go to the same airport as always and find everything i need 

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WTF is with you COD and BF players complaining you can't play easy mode death match because the map is too large? The map is never too large, it's just other game developers are lazy.

Your not supposed to find other players like your playing BF or COD, it survival not 1000 player death match.

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My biggest problem at the moment is performance, i have a i7 CPU clocked at 4.2Ghz, 8GB ram and a GTX 780 and the way the game engine utilises your hardware is stupid. iI had like 30 or 24 FPS around small towns or city and only get 60+ in a forest or looking at the ocean.

I know that this game is more CPU intensive but even so only 1 core of my CPU is been used more then 60% and the other cores are pretty much idle, as for my GPU only about 44% to 50% total usage.

I know its alpha i am not really complaining just stating what is currently the biggest issue for me.

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WTF is with you COD and BF players complaining you can't play easy mode death match because the map is too large? The map is never too large, it's just other game developers are lazy.


this so much :)


Personally I already feel trapped in chernarus. I wish it was 5 times bigger! That'd give helis a real purpose. With the map right now you can just walk from one end to the other in half an hour... I want that to be more than an hour, preferably two!


My biggest problem at the moment is performance, i have a i7 CPU clocked at 4.2Ghz, 8GB ram and a GTX 780 and the way the game engine utilises your hardware is stupid. iI had like 30 or 24 FPS around small towns or city and only get 60+ in a forest or looking at the ocean.

I know that this game is more CPU intensive but even so only 1 core of my CPU is been used more then 60% and the other cores are pretty much idle, as for my GPU only about 44% to 50% total usage.

I know its alpha i am not really complaining just stating what is currently the biggest issue for me.


DUDE, with that rig you ought to get 60 fps man! Look for the usual tricks, maybe apply some startup parameters, what not. You'll get 60+ fps on that rig easily




Edited by Weparo

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Ye i also have perfomance problems, big citys are really something i avoid because of it, i always trough my PC just sucked thats why i didnt mention it 

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So much lack of imagination by so many players. It hurts..i need tissues.

How about some beans


It will be OK ;) :beans:

Edited by Aussie Bogan
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this so much :)


Personally I already feel trapped in chernarus. I wish it was 5 times bigger! That'd give helis a real purpose. With the map right now you can just walk from one end to the other in half an hour... I want that to be more than an hour, preferably two!


I am just trying to understand the game better, right now i have major fun trying to rob some1, avoiding to kill them. i don't even take anything i don't need, just talking to some1 to put their bag down and don't move, i find it hilarious to do on a game.       

Lets say you are full geared, do you have fun just exploring zones where the chance of meeting any1 is almost 0, just walking and walking alone.. i would understand this if towns looked diferrent. Don't hate me, i really want to understand, i din't play the mod. Maybe my problem is playing alone too, i need to find a friend xD 

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I am just trying to understand the game better, right now i have major fun trying to rob some1, avoiding to kill them. i don't even take anything i don't need, just talking to some1 to put their bag down and don't move, i find it hilarious to do on a game.       

Lets say you are full geared, do you have fun just exploring zones where the chance of meeting any1 is almost 0, just walking and walking alone.. i would understand this if towns looked diferrent. Don't hate me, i really want to understand, i din't play the mod. Maybe my problem is playing alone too, i need to find a friend xD 


Well, see this is the great part about a map this size. You have a choice! Do you want to go PvP in the south/at the airfield? Or do you want to explore a bit up north? You don't have these choices on a small map. here you do.

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I also think it be a good idea to spawn with at least 1 bandage and generally have more bandages around to loot, So many times i died because i got hit once and i couldn't even find a single bandage anywhere not even in the freaking hospital.

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I also think it be a good idea to spawn with at least 1 bandage and generally have more bandages around to loot, So many times i died because i got hit once and i couldn't even find a single bandage anywhere not even in the freaking hospital.

You can tear shirts to rags, to use them as bandage (those without slots).

Edited by Frosti

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OutlawXGP u can rip your own tshirt, right click in, tear into rags and use them as bandages.. and everytime u find shirts do that to them if u dont have bandages yet 

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I lost it with ''map is too big'' Damn what's wrong with these new guys?

It's one of those features that dayz has that other games don't have and it's known for it.

Also you complain about thirst and hunger. So you want to get rid of all those survival elements. Yeah why not, lets spawn everyone with m4s so you don't have to waste ur time running in this ''big'' map to mili bases for loot, then you can't starting KoSsing immediately.

Edited by Kipale

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That's one of BI's major game feature for Dayz to Arma, to Take On Mars. They all have real world terrains. They don't have to modify them to look natural because they are natural!

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Hello, i know this is alpha, and don't get me wrong, i am enjoying it alot, yet i think the point of the alpha is for the players to say their opinion on whats wrong, so heres my 2cents:

- Its too easy to gear up ( even without mentioning server hoping ), theres no balance in places, once u know where to get the stuff, those places always have an m4, bullets, mountains bag etc...

- Being hunger or thirsthy inst really an issue too, only in the first 30 mins of starting.

- well, it needs alot more loot to make it fun but this is dumb to mention , i know it will come.

- The map is too big... like seriously... its beatifull but its just too big, even for future servers with more player capacity.. and its abit too repeitive, every town looks the same, so far the coolest thing ive seen was the Devil's castle, no loot trough, its just not worth going too further into the north, u will just walk around for hours alone. Also theres an airport on the north that just has too many loot, its unreal. i found like 3 m4s around there.

- Exploring can be a good sugestion if towns looked different, like being surprised every time i get to a new place but that just ins't hapenning.

- The zombies suck, and also almost non-existent ( yes i know this will be fixed in the future ), i feel like they should be the bigger part of the game, people should need to team up to even have a chance of looting a big city, also the big citys should have better loot... the only places so far that i think are worth are the airports and the military stuff around them, bolota for example every1s around there.


Right now my playstyle always the same, log on some low pop server, get geared up on the same spots always, then go back to a full server and head to the coast coast to have some fun.. i really think this pattern which i believe every1s doing needs to be changed, 70% of the map in'st being used... maybe make different spawn locations, like totally random, but when the servers have more capacity. 


Don't flame me, this ins't a whine post, i am enjoying this game and i think it has such a great potential thats why i even care to come here... just wanted to share my opinion, see if you guys agree or not.

Sorry for crappy english.



The map...................................is to....................................big? 



A tumor just busted in my head. 

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to answer all of your remarks with one statement:


THIS IS ALPHA, don't expect all the current features to be there at release.

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