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Dayz Vet looking for a team.

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Hey guys!


I'm a DayzMod veteran  that quit the original once all the vanilla servers wen't poof. Welp, now that Standalone alpha is out, I'd like to hook up with a team. I'm familiar with all the locations so, meeting up should be no hassle


steam id: itangra


Oh and I'm 22, if age age is an issue.

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Me and my friend play here on GA servers, we are about a hour north of you and both 20. We have been useing Razer Comms for voice chat

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dayz vet eh? prepare for a little disapointment with the lack of vehicles and tents that will hopefully be released soon

Edited by Ynneead

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Hello imolotov, I think you might find interest in the Chernarus Quarantine Force. We operate in all time zones, but we use EST as our central because we have members from all around the world. The CQF was created during the infancy off the DayZ mod as a branch off of The First Cavalry Division. We were at one point one of the largest DayZ groups with over 300 active members. Now we have members of varying skill levels from first time playing the game to has been playing since the mod came out. Our member count is growing everyday and if you're interested you can join onto our teamspeak and play with us and see how it goes. If you have any questions, feel free to message me here, add me on steam ({CQF}PFC ChumLee), or on The First Cav website. Thank you for your time imolotov and have a good day.


If you're interested in more info on the CQF: Click Here

The First Cavalry Division website: Click Here

Info for our teamspeak: Click Here

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