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Chat doesn't work. I cannot communicate,

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I can't read anyone elses direct communications or hear it, and they cannot read / hear me.

i was told it's something to do with my patch version so here is all the info i gathered.

When launching through steam:

ARMA II:1.11.86734

ARMA II OA:1.60.87580

ARMA II CO:1.60.87580

When launching through Six Launcher (which is how i always launch to play DayZ):

ARMA II OA: 1.60.93965

it's never worked and ive been playing for about a week now. My experience has been really lackluster since everyone just kills me because I can't communicate. If it has something to do with my wrong version please tell me how to update it. i purchased CO through steam and installed dayz using six launcher. Thanks.

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You have to select direct communication and you have to be very close, like 40m, for it to work.

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You have to select direct communication and you have to be very close' date=' like 40m, for it to work.


Yea I've done all that, right beside the guy and he cant see my chat. strange though because when i went into a non-dayz server,y my chat was working fine.

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Same problem. I'm running SixUpdater, have the most current beta patch and DayZ files. Other players can read my Direct Communication messages, but I can't read chat from anyone else. Any fixes out there?

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I am also having this problem. Using Worrom, running latest update and have ticked the Launch Beta box. I cannot see anybodys text chat. Any solutions?

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Could be that the server you are playing on has VON disabled?

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