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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Server based location

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Carrying over your location isn't nearly as important as all your gear. I wouldn't mind it if I had to start on the beach every time I played on a new server. And each server would save my location individually.

It sucks that people can switch servers to get behind you. And people sit in the barracks and join all the servers and get all the best loot. And if we setup elaborate fortifications people can just switch servers and come back inside it.

Another problem I've run into that this would help is I had a car and found a good hiding spot. So I logged off, and then later when I wanted to play the server was down. So my choice was either not play at all hoping the server would come back up soon, or join another server and try to remember exactly where the car is hidden, and walk away. Which is what I ended up doing, even took a screen shot to help find it.

It would also help prevent disconnecting. If someone disconnects they would have to start back at the beach or wherever they were on another server. You could even camp the spot they disconnected and see if they try rejoining.

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