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Looking for some older gamers.

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I saw this thread topic and clicked on it right away! I'm 37 and live in Minnesota (Central time zone)...My Steam name is bld3...add me on there if you want!! 

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I saw this thread topic and clicked on it right away! I'm 37 and live in Minnesota (Central time zone)...My Steam name is bld3...add me on there if you want!! 

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Hi guys, I was reading the forums I came upon this post.


I have a group of people that play DayZ Mod and SA, I am mainly interested in recruiting mature people.


We do not have ridiculous rules or anything, just common sense.


If you guys would like to stop by, www.descendantsofvalor.com/recruitment

Edited by R0ll3r

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43. I play almost daily after work EST. Use teamspeak for coms. Steam ID: HbH_Sinphaltimus_Exmortus.

I tried adding you, couldnt find your ID.  Add me shot right

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Would love to join up with a couple of yall. my steam name is yaboyhuck I am 22 by the way but don't play like a child so hit me up.

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Been playing PvE and 95% of the time I KoS by some sniper, but I always try to initiate conversation for trading. Been playing for a few weeks and have a pretty solid understanding of the game at this point. 29 US WA.  Steam ID is x0rb0t

Edited by P0x26A

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33yrs old here.

Looking for a mature group to play the mod with :)

I'm not the KOS kinda guy and i see myself more as a survivor.

I'm from Belgium (dutch language) but my english is pretty good.


I'm kinda new to the whole dayz experience, been playing it for a month.

So if someone can also teach me to be better, that would also be great :)

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Hello all.  I'm looking to group up with some "older: gamers and play some DayZ.  Not really interested in a clan or gaming community, just a few people that are looking to play after work and chill out and have some fun.  I am new to DayZ but have been gaming for my entire life.  I'm 36 and game in EST.  Feel free to respond here or just PM.  I have the DayZ standalone

im 18  im sick of theses fucking kids reply if u wanna come play

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Would like to join in with y'all, if you dont mind. Tired of playing with a bunch of kids running around killing on the beaches. add me on steam oran19871

Are you trying to imply that kids are the type of people that KOS without any reason? If so, you're dead wrong. 70% of the times I've been KOS'd were by people around age 16-20.

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im 18  im sick of theses fucking kids reply if u wanna come play

Why, that was stereotypical. You're the kind of person I'd expect to see yelling at kids to STFU on Call of Duty because you hate their "squeaky little voices".

And, I am dead serious.

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Hey if you got room for one more I am looking for an older group. Im 29 and also in the eastern time zone. New to DayZ, I haven't played the Arma 2 version, however I have 300+ hours with Arma 3. I mostly game on weekends and evenings during the week sometimes. Let me know

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I sent you a friend invite


30 here, looking for buddies. Kain247 is the steam name.

Could not find the username bud.  You can send one to me at shot right


Hey if you got room for one more I am looking for an older group. Im 29 and also in the eastern time zone. New to DayZ, I haven't played the Arma 2 version, however I have 300+ hours with Arma 3. I mostly game on weekends and evenings during the week sometimes. Let me know

Sent you a friend request bud

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Add me on steam shotright!  Ill join when I get off work.  Im 47 and new to day z,  but I know enough to get straped and fed, I'm a reluctant killer but I hear it gets easier.  I'm pacific time but its casual,  I work alot anyway

Edited by hanx91

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Add me on steam shotright!  Ill join when I get off work.  Im 47 and new to day z,  but I know enough to get straped and fed, I'm a reluctant killer but I hear it gets easier.  I'm pacific time but its casual,  I work alot anyway

Found two with that name.  Hopefully got to the right one.  If not, just add me.  Gamertag is shot right

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I'm 23.Central European Time (GMT+01). Looking for some mature people to play in a group with! Add me on Steam: Seathal.

Edited by Seathal

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add me on as : Lance coconut on steam shoot striaght, I'm 24 and been playing standalone for awhile, not a super serious player and not looking to get bogged down by any clan


although I gotta say I went to mizzou and that profile pic, offfff.........

Edited by gun addict

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