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Looking for some older gamers.

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Hello all.  I'm looking to group up with some "older: gamers and play some DayZ.  Not really interested in a clan or gaming community, just a few people that are looking to play after work and chill out and have some fun.  I am new to DayZ but have been gaming for my entire life.  I'm 36 and game in EST.  Feel free to respond here or just PM.  I have the DayZ standalone

Edited by shotright
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I am not in the same age bracket as you guys but i am going on 24 ;) I enjoy playing with older players seems to keep alot of the riff raff down.

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I am not in the same age bracket as you guys but i am going on 24 ;) I enjoy playing with older players seems to keep alot of the riff raff down.


Well, lets grab a game and have some fun.  

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Would like to join in with y'all, if you dont mind. Tired of playing with a bunch of kids running around killing on the beaches. add me on steam oran19871

Edited by somethingbig

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Would like to join in with y'all, if you dont mind. Tired of playing with a bunch of kids running around killing on the beaches. add me on steam oran19871

added you on stream brother

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hi im 29 ? im new to the standalone but iv played the mod i don't shoot on site i try to talk but end up dead 90% of the time steam names the same on here message me if you want one more 

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I'm down, my name in steam is the same as here hit me up man.


I sent you a friend request on steam brother

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25 here. Steam name is SInbad with a skullandbullets pic . Game in PST.

Edited by Sinbad101

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The Army of DayZ (AoDZ) has members who are in their 30's and 40's, I myself am 21, near 22 and I am very mature for my age, we have people 26 etc and a couple of younger ones but trust me, they are mature, we don't allow people to muck about in our group :) If you want to check us out go to www.armyofdayz.com and you can join us through our recruitment form at http://armyofdayz.enjin.com/join

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I added "shotright" on steam, mine is "viperbke" if that wasnt correct



25 here. Steam name is SInbad with a skullandbullets pic . Game in PST.


Added both of you guys on steam.  Look forward to grabbing a game with you

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add me i am wanting to play with some better people. sick of the kids and i dont mean by age. i know some who are in there fiftys that act like 10yr olds. my steam name is LongShot. as soon a i can get that MOW crap off my name the better. dont want t obe in a clan, just want to play and have fun with good people.

Edited by MOW_LongShot

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Count me in! I’m 28 and love to play this game whenever I’m not working or spending time with the wife and kids. As of now I have been a Lone Wolf so PvE has been pretty much it. If the need for PvP rises I am all for it as long as it justifiable. Don’t want to be the typical group running around trolling for no reason. Send me PM here and we’ll exchange Steam IDs.

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after looking at some of the clans here i was about to make a post like this myself. 34, from the UK and new to DayZ. you can find me by searching smokeycow on steam.

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Nervegas on Steam. By all means, invite. 

In the US but german. 

Edited by Nervegas

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after looking at some of the clans here i was about to make a post like this myself. 34, from the UK and new to DayZ. you can find me by searching smokeycow on steam.



Nervegas on Steam. By all means, invite. 

In the US but german. 


Invite sent fellas

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