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Various engaging survival elements and Endgame ideas

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  • Guns deteriorate through use, as weapon condition drops its problems get worse over time up to a point where they become irrepairable.
  • Portable storage like backpacks and satchels can be damaged by gunfire, making them lose useable space or be rendered completely useless.
  • Items carried by players also has a random chance of being damaged/broken by gunfire.



Utitlites for the players to set up bases of operation for their own factions

This idea came about as part of my own idea to be able to set up a marketplace with armed guards where unarmed players can trade. Guards standing outside would be able to strip you of your weapons and unload any ammunition from them for you to sell.


  • Moveable static objects and cover
  • The ability to lock some doors (and the ability to break them down)



Endgame Ideas


Im kind of afraid I'll get flamed for this, but the only thing I could think of to add endgame players could work towards involved several things, one of them involving changing the theme of the game significantly. I was thinking the endgame would involve changing the zombie theme into a more supernatural theme in the vein of the original Night of the Living Dead, Doom, Dead-Alive, Resident Evil 4, or Evil Dead.


Boss battles, and not bosses that are just around to fight you, they effect the world around you as well. Theres lots of directions you could go with this but my first one is a large enemy that preys on vehicles traveling the road. The bosses drop artifacts that give unusual effects to those in an area around the carrier, and return to the(or create a new) boss on the death of the carrier of the artifact, and a different (mostly negative in my mind, up to debate) effect to the carrier himself. 


If you guys really don't like the idea of making the game more crazy and supernatural I understand that, but other than that I'm at a loss as to what the endgame could be other than shooting anything that moves.

Edited by DeepSpaceBass

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I cant see anyone going for this idea. As you say it makes it a bit too supernatural, too unbelieveable.

If however geared up guys grouped up to hit a much higher density zombie population at like the shipwreck or one of these newer buildings their putting in for some rare pieces then that would be a much more believable option.

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I cant see anyone going for this idea. As you say it makes it a bit too supernatural, too unbelieveable.

That really isn't an excuse. Zombies as a whole are not believable, but if you aren't comfortable with changing the theme thats fine. I myself prefer quasi-supernatural zombie types because it opens the combat variety.

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