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Zombie aggro?

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I understand that they need a buff because theres only a few of them per town, but I just realized that they can see you crouching 200 meters away. Yesterday I just entered Krastonav, killed a zombie, switched to my gun and crouch-walked for a while when I saw something that looked like a player. I stopped (still crouched), zoomed in and squinted my eyes, but it was just a zombie in an awkward idle pose.

Then he snaps into his normal animation and all of sudden starts running at me. He runs in a straight line through a house and a few fences like a goddamn terminator. And then I hit him in the toe with my fireman's axe.

Edited by Sutinen

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I promised my self i would refrain from using the A word.


I understand to some extent what you mean "Zombies need more work"


Perhaps regarding eyesight but for me more so running through doors/walls like no tomorrow.


These issues will be fixed just give them time. ;)

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