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goodbye side chat...i shall miss thee...

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i understand rocket's reasoning to rid of us side chat...it is after all, an apocalypse simulator. but couldnt this be just a server option instead?

...i LONG for the chaotic and wild chat i used to read while playing this game.


lol cmon rocket, that chat was fucking GOLD. it was probaly the MOST entertaining chat EVER in video game history. go and read any other game's chat logs and youll hear stats...character builds...more stats, some funny jokes etc and its all good in the hood...

....then go read day-z chat logs...youll laugh your ass straight the fuck off.

in this game, nobody had the time to complain much about game mechanics, oh sure it was there...but it was smothered under a heap of paranoid rants.

"whos the guy lighting flares in cherno"

"hi everyone, i dont know where im at"

"zombie behind you, actually 4 of em.""


have mercy rocket...bring it back.

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this is seriously an area where enjoyability should outweigh the desire for realism. it just gives far fewer options when playing and sandboxes are supposed to be about letting the player choose what they want to do.

no more calling to dr wasteland to come find and give you an emergency bloodbag

no more bus drivers picking people up and dropping them where they want to go

no more light banter between bored people walking in a huuuge map

i could go on but youg et the point

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Maybe they should add a new item like a radio that lets you talk on the side chat.

I'm all for radios, maybe with alternate channels so you can chat directly to other people too. It'd be a much better solution than having open side chat on some servers, and would give us another item to look for - and another reason to stay alive when we've got one.

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If it wasn't for side chat you'd never see gold like this:


I agree that the global chat did add a very entertaining social element to the game. I'd like to see it return but as a server option.

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yep, taking away side chat was misguided. a minority of players do not like side chat, so side chat is removed.

a majority of players enjoy 3rd person(judging by server settings), a minority does not, now they are talking about taking that away aswell?

why not leave these kind of decisions to the server admin instead of making these sweeping changes to things that should be left to personal preference.

no side chat sucks, it ruined my server community that i quite enjoyed. i don't have anyone to play with and I enjoyed having people to talk to while running around the map

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Some of the best DayZ moments and memories have involved the side chat, at times its pure comedy gold. I totally understand the desire for realism, but it will remove a lot of fun from the game without it.

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Have to agree here.

I'm still playing on 1.7 and since it still has side chat I am having a great time.

Dont tell it isnt fun to chat with someone while walking through ten minutes of boring woods.

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The game needs a shout function imo. Whats the range of direct chat, 20m?

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I don't mind side chat, but that damn in game voip has got to go!! Had to listen to some asshole whine over voip for an hour or more the other day. Turned the sound all the way down and could still hear him.

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I really enjoyed reading the side chat, even though I didnt used it often for myself. Often only to answer the newbie questions.

I kindah miss reading it while jogging trough the woods. Allways made me smile if "Whos shootin in cherno/elektro?". :)

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i thought it already was a server option. i play a lot on Dallas 22 and i think they have sidechat still

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i thought it already was a server option. i play a lot on Dallas 22 and i think they have sidechat still

It isn't completely implemented - if server are circumventing the removal knowingly they are in violation of their server agreements. So you should probably remind them.

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Showing support for side channel or some sort of global chat function.

It definitely provided the lols.

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I do agree about the entertainment part of the side chat. The classic "who is shooting in cherno" etc. makes me laugh a lot. but i also get the point of removing it, cause this would increase the realism concept to the game. This will force people to group for the need to socialise themselves, where choosing to be a lonewolf would also become a mental challenge, the long walks without any interference from other players would certainly prove to affect the level of bandits I think. leaving us with only hardcore bandits and city campers.

However I still support Rockets actions because people are way to trigger happy at the moment, shooting is easy when its only a click away from your mouse. forcing people together will decrease this (I hope) and a group of people would be a much more fun target for me than just a single person ;) ^^

Meet halfway rocket, you may remove it but you will have to replace the communication part with something else. (MAKE THE RADIO! ^^)

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I don't mind side chat' date=' but that damn in game voip has got to go!! Had to listen to some asshole whine over voip for an hour or more the other day. Turned the sound all the way down and could still hear him.


Press "P", find their names & mute them. Done.

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I would love to see the side chat return, it does take away from the realism but only partially. It also helps build alliances before you meet people, so instead of typing 'friendly?' but dying before you finish you can ask if anyone wants to group then proceed to meet up. I also think without side chat on a lower pop server the games feels too isolated :( but some people might like that in this game; so i think server option is a good idea or make it a player option :)

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Just wait till Radios are reimplemented properly - so that people have their precious side channel back. But as a privilege - a rare one.

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oh i know what rocket is trying to do, i totally understand the realism part 100%.

....its just....i MISS the hell out of it.

side chat made me love banditry. yes they are the total assheads of this video game...but you hafta admit, they do some funny shit. for example...

why in the hell would you decide to shoot someone in the midst of zombies? lolol it makes NO SENSE. but i saw it happen and read the broken- english chat afterwards...to paraphrase...

"hey...hey friend..." (gunfire)


this was absolute gold and i hope that bastard died...but while i was hiding out in the weeds it was DAMN funny to read.

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There is Direct Chat. Is there a way that Direct chat can have it's range increased so it covers 50m or 100m? That way only close proximity players can read it. This works for the Direct Chat VOICE as well.

I've used teh chats and direct chat for years in regular Arma2. It works great but the range is pretty short for the distances we come across and need to identify players in this mod.

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"Just wait till Radios are reimplemented properly - so that people have their precious side channel back. But as a privilege - a rare one. "

---jus wouldnt be the same.

one time a 'couple' a man and woman player was wounded and the girl needed a blood transfusion was needed. they went on to give their exact location, obviously noobs as it was a bandit who responded first lol

the angry tirade which followed cannot be seen in any other online game, that along with the whole "hey man if you dont like being killed find another game dude" is something this old guy finds treasurable. sparsely found radios just wouldnt do the trick...at all.

DayZ chat= the best.

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