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If you want a group to play with, join TLAW.

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If you are looking for a group to play with, why not join TLAW? We are a clan that takes a mil-sim approach to DayZ, we are friendly and open, however we are blunt and a thick skin is needed. If this is likely to be a problem, please don't join. We try to play as Heroes, however we are not afraid to get stuck in when needed.


We have about 20ish players currently, with about 9 of them actively playing DayZ SA, the others will be joining ASAP, we have people in British and American time zones, as well as one or two in the EU.


We have our own TS, address below, we don't just play DayZ, we do play other games, however, being an active DayZ player is required.


In an ideal world we would like mature players, but we will accept anyone that is 14+.


We also run training once a week that is run on Arma 2, this is to practice team work and movement formations.  The first training after you join is mandatory, after that then they are optional, however, you will not progress up the ranks without attending. If you do not have Arma 2, do not worry, you will be exempted from training, we can run through the drills quickly in DayZ.


We are currently in the process of setting up our own SA server, which should be up and running as soon as possible.


If you are interested please contact GOA Mornarq, GEN Echo or LTG Mobius (me)


TS address is =


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