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Darker bandit skins or new class

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If they are staying in the game, could they at least be darker? We're already generally out numbered vs. survivors and vs other bandits, so maybe even the playing field a bit? I am not crying because I get shot by "good guys" I am crying because their is an advantage to being on one side when it should be strictly choice and not "what will live longer" in terms of 20% more visible than survivors.

Maybe add a counter to bandits like, an arms force or something. Just as bright but not neutral survivors, specific bandit hunter skin after xxx + humanity, which should also be clear as day :)

That way good guys have a goal of protecting "civilians" (survivors), civilians are just trying to survive, and bandits try to kill all.

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That could work, but if implemented, It would take the aspect of being a "realism survival mod" And it was just turn into a mod with benefits on certain aspects which I don't think would be very fun, Maybe add on extra things against the bandits and benefits for survivors?? Like station a town..say Cherno, survivors gets better item findings, and a better way to seek out other survivors (radio) And if your a bandit you get none of these features, IDK I just don't see it being good in adding a COUNTER forces to go against bandits. Cause..everybody is against bandits?

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I guess they could just change the Bandit skin from German desert camo into German Flecktarn. No new models needed, just new skin.

And I kind of like the idea of getting an opposite to Bandits... After X bandit kills perhaps?

EDIT: They could probably also make Bandits automatically become OPFOR instead of BLUFOR so that they got a separate side chat.

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