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gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

Suggestion: Craftable booby traps and impovised suppressors

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As the title says.
would be great to be able to get creative with booby traps placeable on objects/corpses/doors etc.
ranging from good old grenade in a can to sharpnsticks with zombie goo hitting you in the kisser.

also improvised suppressors good for a couple shots like for example water bottle, duct tape, bandage= suppressor good for 1-3 shots or what have you.
or an oil filter works too irl for example..

what you guys think?



adding videos to 1st post:


Oil filter suppressor:


Plastic bottle suppressor:



Edited by gloriousgonzo
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I really don't think those would act well as a suppressor. I think at the most they would cut it for a flash suppressor.

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As the title says.

would be great to be able to get creative with booby traps placeable on objects/corpses/doors etc.

ranging from good old grenade in a can to sharpnsticks with zombie goo hitting you in the kisser.

also improvised suppressors good for a couple shots like for example water bottle, duct tape, bandage= suppressor good for 1-3 shots or what have you.

or an oil filter works too irl for example..

what you guys think?


I think they should just fix the existing supressors in the game as they are not working. Why bring more chances to screw things up if old are already borked?

Edited by mech

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Lol that's an awesome video! :D


Tbh, I would like to see much more custom stuff like that. Would make a cool edition to the game :)


Not saying it should be on top of the list. But something to be added in the future

Edited by SneezeJunky

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