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Roaming zombies - Is it possible?

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We know that zombies are found are particular structures, which encompass villages, cities, and structures such as guard towers, or deer stands.

Those who are about to say "I came across zombies in the woods!", I understand you might have - but you only came across them because there was a deerstand, or guard tower, or isolated building somewhere nearby.

But does the current game mechanics, or coding, permit "roaming" zombies. I mean, truly being able to stumble upon zombies in obscure, out of the way places? Or does it strictly depend on "spawn zones" for zombies which are attached to structures?

Lastly, if there were roaming zombies, I'm assuming that would stretch the zombie population think, as you would be taking them from towns, villages, cities, etc. Unless, of course the zombie population was double and you had roughly the same number of zombies in town and cities as you would roaming? Or perhaps half that number, as to not overwhelm the map with zombies.

Basically, it is possible to code random spawn zones for zombies, and have random waypoints for them towards a town or city - and is that something we'll ever see?

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I believe roaming infected would need to use persistent tracking of them, even without anyone around, which I believe is not what they want to do to alleviate server load?

Currently, infected lured far from their spawn area (after chasing etc) will just despawn after some time if left totally alone, from what I saw.

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Just put in a new type of tree that spawns dynamically in the forest environments. Have zombies spawn around it just like a building. :P

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Wont it be a good idea to put packs of rabid dogs in some of the fields or woods ? gives us something else to avoid or fight... :)

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Blergh, I read this after I was posting about this same type of suggestion, great minds think alike, I guess. I support nonetheless.

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Blergh, I read this after I was posting about this same type of suggestion, great minds think alike, I guess. I support nonetheless. +1

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I think the majority of zombies should remain near settlements, but having some chance of meeting them in woods might increase the tension a little. I'm not sure if we need it though! The woods are a good place to recuperate, and, as it is, you're never entirely safe even there - other players are always a possible threat.

If we are going to add something to the woods, it might be better to add a new type of creature - zombie wildlife of some sort.

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Well for one, as I understand it, with the most recent update the Zombies are even more fixed than ever. Apparently, before (I have only played the more recent update) zombies would spawn in a settlement and be given some wandering room.

Now, it seems, they just spawn and stay static. The crawling priest zombies seem to be an exception to this. Though I did roll into Novy Sobor and watched a few zombies roam about in the fields. So it's hit or miss.

However, yeah, if there were maybe... 3-4 zombies every few kilometers in the woods/fields... I think it'd make traveling much more sporty.

To the people who cite other players as being the primary risk in the woods, this is true. However, in my week of playing and several lives... I have encountered one person outside a town in the woods. I travel north with every character and rarely see anyone, so I just sprint across fields casually and it feels weird.

I think more zombies would serve to both make the world more immersive and risky, whilst simultaneously equalizing the threat dynamic between players and zombies.

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I'd love for this to be put in. Just one here and there. Seeing this big huge field, and maybe just a couple of wandering zombies through it. Just to remind you that the dead are walking about. Maybe they can be the type of zombies that dont sprint after you, just kind of shamble after

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Yeah, this thread has been done before too.

I'm actually very fond of the idea of spawning zombies on the dry edges of the map and then giving them a little push coastward in search of fresh food. If they hit a town/village/base/farm that's where they stop. This would make the "north" much more dangerous as your airfield would be crawling with them there first. This would also explain why you might see some in the woods, some on the roads, etc. as well as why there are still zed around the coastal cities, when logically they the "local" ones should have been wiped out long ago.

EDIT: Spawn SOME of the zombies that way, at random times, not all of them. Have the rest spawn as usual.

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Having just one or two zombies in the woods will give you a run for your money that is for sure! If you put it to mind, you don't have a building to run to so you're going to have to face a fast zig-zagging zombie coming for you! Plus if there are people around your vicinity and hear your gunfire you're going to be stalked in the woods. OH THE EXCITEMENT! OH THE THRILL!

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Exactly. It wouldn't take many either! Even a few, even the potential threat of encountering a zombie in the woods (even if you never actually see any) could be a real game changer. Currently the wilderness is considered mostly safe. The player count is never so high that if you were careful about your route you could spend days walking around in the wilderness and never encounter another player face to face. Sprinkle a few zed over the entire map, especially at night and everything changes ;)

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If we need an excuse for Zombies in the middle of nowhere, I've always thought those 'dead body pits' often found near military stations would be some good spawn points, and could be easily placed in random locations in the woods and in fields.

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Couldn't you make zombies spawn off players with a minimum and maximum spawn distance? That way nowhere is safe.

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Nah i prefer it being more random myself. But I really lovet he idea of just seeing some zombies walking around in open fields etc while im running on the road or through the woods. It just creates this nice atmosphere, reminding you that the dead are alive and walking around. Just one here and there would be enough

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I actually do not like this. The forest is my home and I don't want it invaded by zombies. There should be a blend of areas with varying levels of danger and currently I think it's fine.

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i want to see wandering hordes of zombies with numbers in the hundreds. maybe not possible today but think about the great battle that could be massive player vs zombie fights. like the ones from World War Z.

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Yeah I'm definitely in favour of this, just makes it so you have to be that little bit more alert and adds to the whole anything can happen factor.

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