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Set up my first ambush :D

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I'm brand new dayz and I have to say the play style is really fun.


We were doing a airport run from the coast up the far west side of the map. Nearing our destination we had to stop due to a friend saying he hears tornado sirens at his house. So chilling along the road eating my food we hear shots from the city where we just were and decide to set up a ambush. 




The action stops after I reload so no real need to watch the rest. You can see after my last shot he just disappears while running =/ 

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As a Canadian, I find it really odd that tornado sirens going off are the norm where your friend lives. Respect.  :beans:

Edited by Verex11

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Great vid - I am loving the gameplay coming out of this game.

I have a great one too

Myself and this guy I met were making our way across the airfield and I was on lookout while he went into the hangar to look for loot. I am crouched outside the hangar along the side keeping an eye out when shots start wizzing by me and I get hit. I quickly run into the hangar and bandage while we both set up to take the bandit down. Figuring he didnt see my pal, and with some quick thinking to draw him out I start yelling into voice chat "Damn, i am dead" . Counting on the greedyness of the bandit we lay waiting for him to come into the hangar. Sure enough he comes creeping around the corner hoping to find a body filled with gifts, instead he gets a shot in the neck and we get the goodies.

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