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Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

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:heart: bleeding :heart:

The only reason why it is so hard to start without a gun is because players bleed so easily. One single hit from a zombie is enough to make you bleed LITERS of blood.

So while you are running around buildings and fences trying to shake off the 3-4 zombies after you, you are constantly bleeding an enormus amount of blood. Some player, especialy those without knownledge of the map layout or the game itself will most likely die from bleeding or get very low before they can even figure out whats happenning.

Now, you will say that bandages are all over the place, and you are right. But the thing is, even if you have over 9000 bandages in your inventory, you will hardly be able to patch yourself up before your health reach 8000 blood, or worse, under 5000. Especialy if your freshly new player have tried to escape the city and there are no place in sight to hide and potentialy slow the zombie down in a building.

Lets be honest, zombies hit like wet paper bag while you bleed like if your all you arteries were cut in half. The damage need to be coming from zombies, not from bleeding.

Now the fix--------------------------------------

Personnaly, I really wouldn't mind the zombies to hit twice as much if the frequency of bleeding was drasticaly lowered. Also, while we are at it, zombies breaking your legs is a little bit much as well, especialy since we dont start with morphine anymore.

Hell, they could even hit for 500 to 1000 a hit if bleeding wasn't so frequent and it would still be easier for new players than it is right now.

Right now, you get hit, run around, shake off the zombies and lose around 4000 blood if you do it right, Or if you are VERY lucky and find a hidding spot very quickly, 2000.

Anyway, from a roleplaying stand point, it doesn't make any sense that you start bleeding as much as that especialy since the zombie ''attack sound'' is more like punching than biting.

Now, if we actually heard them, bite us, it would make sense to lose that much blood, especialy if they actually aim for the neck/shoulders/head.


Zombies that bite, with a sound clue, should cause bleeding. Other than that, you should never start bleeding unless shot at.

Zombies, to balance the nerf to bleeding, should twice as hard.

Zombies should not be able to break your legs. Only reason why your legs should be wounded enough that you can't run anymore was if you got bite there, fell from too high or got shot.

Thanks for reading.

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Zeds are pretty much humans, so I agree with you, except on the broken bones concept. Zeds should cause blunt force damage, increase base damage, decrease bleed chance, increase broken bone chance slightly and its good. And yes, bleeding seems a bit unrealistic, perhaps a base rate that starts like trickling, but has an exponential stacking rate the more wounds you get.

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Bandages are not the issue, and actually have nothing to do with bleeding versus zombie damage.

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i agree zombies should not cause bleed damage on the scale they do now(im fine with a light bleed, ether realy slow or limmited duration)

and they should not be able to break bones unless your being mobbed

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Maybe instead of one bandage --You get 2 bandages :-)

It's quite useless to have 2 bandages when you spend lots of time bleeding and trying to find a proper house/place not to be vunerable to the zombies to chew on you.

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So you want Zeds to hit you but not draw blood. The idea that it could hit you and you bleed is an extra reason to even be more careful.

Zed says " I will try to nibble instead of bite.... But must get brains " lol

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I agree with the OP. whenever a zombie aggros on me I seem to bleed immediately, so I am having to either deal with the zombies, and more that come when I shoot my gun or run away to a building to get 10 seconds to bandage, all the while my blood is ticking down. So it is very common to go from 12000 blood to under 5000 by the time you get bandaged.

For a solo player this is basically a death sentence. 100% agree with op, damage should be coming from the zombies themselves, not from an overpowered bleeding mechanic that you cannot deal with unless you have 10 seconds to bandage up.

However I do like the bleeding mechanic, it is very cool in PVP when I notice I have bleed my opponent and take cover. He either will come at me while I am in a superior position, bandage himself while I get close and finish him or sit there anticipating me attacking and bleed to death. But for PvE it gets very annoying.

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Maybe instead of one bandage --You get 2 bandages :-)

It's quite useless to have 2 bandages when you spend lots of time bleeding and trying to find a proper house/place not to be vunerable to the zombies to chew on you.

Exactly my point. Anyway, I always carry two bandages in my pistol slots.

That being said, Im all for bleeding, I like the bleeding feature. Problem is ,as already stated above, that I feel damage value are backward. Instead of fearing zombies, you fear bleeding. Zombies as of now never dropped me more than 2000 blood in a single encounter. Bleeding though, we bleed so quickly its insane and it very rarely stop on its own. I mean, what kind of hit can a zombie acutally do that would make you bleed that much? They are no super human, they are enraged.

I say, bite sound clue + increased zombie damage + lower chance of bleeding and slower bleeding = better gameplay.

We will actually fear zombies with these changes. As of now, they are more like muskitos.

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+1. Remove broken legs from zombie damage, nerf bleeding. Add to zombie damage.

Makes the game play whole much better.

Also let zombies drop random items. So that killing zombies become another game play benefiting element.

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I would also appreciate it if the "surety" of every first hit in a life is directly a bleed. Its really annoying and irritating when you spawn again and you get hit. Its like a abusive father you are forced to go back to every time. Also i think hoppers/crawlers should have a bigger chance of breaking bones,while walkers have a way less chance to. They are low to the ground so will go for the feet. They are slower, so it would even out.

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Bump for visibility.

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Guys, if you agree or disagree, please post something so it doesnt sink, 260+ people read this topic, yet not many replies.

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As it is, zombies are too easy. They are being nerfed (sound through walls). If you cannot handle the zombies then don't attract them in the first place (which will be much easier in 17.2).

Don't rush through villages and cities, take your time to walk (or even crawl) around zombies to not attract them. As of now, i know it's a pain in the ass how you loot one building and they magically agro through the wall but, like i said, this is being fixed.

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I agree with this. It's fairly logical, given current gameplay mechanics - the zombies are punching/clawing at us, not taking a saw to our jugular veins.

What I think would be the best implementation of this mechanic is limited bleeding - since our health is measured in blood, it wouldn't make sense for a punch to instantly erase 1000 units of it! What I think would make more sense would be to combine the damage buff and limited bleeding. A zombie punch will do 3,000 damage... over 30 seconds. This gives bandages greater use, gives, teamplay more importance (cover me while I stop the bleeding!), and makes injuries make more sense.


Make all hits cause "bleeding" which does a set amount of damage over a limited time period (3,000 damage over 30 seconds). The bleeding will stop at the end of the interval, but bandaging the wound before the end of the interval will prevent full damage from being inflicted.

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I agree with this. It's fairly logical' date=' given current gameplay mechanics - the zombies are punching/clawing at us, not taking a saw to our jugular veins.

What I think would be the best implementation of this mechanic is limited bleeding - since our health is measured in blood, it wouldn't make sense for a punch to instantly erase 1000 units of it! What I think would make more sense would be to combine the damage buff and limited bleeding. A zombie punch will do 3,000 damage... over 30 seconds. This gives bandages greater use, gives, teamplay more importance (cover me while I stop the bleeding!), and makes injuries make more sense.


Make all hits cause "bleeding" which does a set amount of damage over a limited time period (3,000 damage over 30 seconds). The bleeding will stop at the end of the interval, but bandaging the wound before the end of the interval will prevent full damage from being inflicted.


Yes, a zombie will bite out (or rip out) one of your arteries. Just tell your body to stop bleeding after 30 seconds.

Don't think so buddy, you will bleed out.

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