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GAMMA Ruining nighttime gameplay

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Does anyone else agree that the gamma adjustment bar in options needs to go?

I remember the first time I played dayz mod, was one of the first days it came out. Walked into cherno for the first time on a night server, could hardly see except for my flashlight and a few flares in the distance. I FELT LIKE I WAS IN GAMING HEAVEN (beside early bugs of course). I hadn't played arma2 at all before so the game at night looked amazing to me. It felt so intense. Having to use flares wisely or not at all and just using your flashlight a bit to check around made the nighttime all that more exciting and unpredictable. INTENSE!

That feeling I MISS.

Now that everyone is aware of the gamma adjustment, the game at nighttime isn't the same. I hate using it of course but I'm going to up my gamma when I'm sure everyone else in the game is also doing so. I'm not going to gear up spend hours playing just to be shot by someone I cant see cause I want to be immersed, and they want to be cheap. So I'm forced to also use gamma "hacks" (I know its not actual hacks) to keep an even playing field. Cause that's what its all about right? fair gameplay, no cheats, no thing to give others an advantage at the GREAT loss of graphics and gameplay and immersion which most want to enjoy.  Come on guys please back me up on this I want this Standalone to be all it can be and I feel this is the ONE GAME BREAKER at the moment.  

What's the point in flash lights, flares, gas lamps etc when everyone is using gamma to see anyway. Having no gamma changes the nighttime game play SO  much I feel.

If gamma stays as a bar in options there is no point in nighttime at all, and that would be very disappointing indeed.

Edited by mrwolfnz
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I agree. Night gameplay is 1/2 of this game. If the issue is not addressed then Team Rocket might as well remove all the night-assist objects.

It's an exploit, worse than most. . 


EDIT: Please introduce GAMMA locked servers. 

Edited by DaveZ
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Well, some times it gets so dark even gamma is useless. Last... Teusday i think, i was forced into usng gamma after i was hearing a very intense mosin fight nearby. But it was so dark, i could barely see the outlines of buildings and ended up using a headlamp. That was a scary night when my headlamp died... i could hear footsteps around me, hear aggroed zombies, gunshits, see flashlight beams, and even encountered another player in the supermarket. Worst part was i couldn't see any of them. Nearly shit my pants several times.


So either make all nights that dark or disable gamma. The gamma would probably be a better fix.

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Perhaps if they changed the lighting of the darkness the gamma usage will be less abused.


I'm not sure what to think on this particular topic disable gamma?



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Even with gamma, I can't make out anything at night. Not even the outlines of buildings. Might have something to do with my setup, but I've heard a lot of the same from people since the last update. As it is, nighttime becomes unplayable for me.

Flashlights help illuminate buildings from a distance, but becomes useless once I close in, so looting is essentially a no go at night. And they leave me defenseless, so night combat is out, as well. It doesn't leave me with much to do.

Still looking for an alternative. Hopefully I'll find a headlamp.

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As a contrast, the first night of release, I was able to make out shadows and shapes enough to explore. Now it's nothing but the skybox.

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Its actually still pretty fun, even with everyone running around with gamma. Its not ruined, grow up.

I've had multiple run ins with people on a night server, with my gamma up, and i couldnt tell if it was my friends or someone new. So the nighttime gameplay is still good and not ruined.


Pitch black is also pretty stupid. The people promoting pitch black are the same people who think a burial of features relating to mico-mangement because it imparts some sort of "realism" which is infact fake, which in turn actually ruins any gameplay or fun of this FPS survival.


Now, a fix would be great, not gamma abuse and not pitch black. But i doubt any sort of easy solution could be found for this, without going to extremes. the solution i read earlier was to remove the light from the moon, making it pitch black, oh yeah, real genius idea, so much realism.

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As long as there is no ambient light and indirect lightning of your flashlight its a pain to play at night. The flashlight needs more than a razor-cut cone of light. If i turn on a flashlight in a room it should illuminate the room not only 30x30 cm² of the wall.

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Exactly thedogfoodyayho!  you were scared and it was intense. That's what I'm on about, that feeling you get when its so dark you have to be cautious. I want that to be a permanent part of the game at night. I miss it :( and yea some nights gamma doesn't affect that much when its really dark. either way imo only one way to resolve over all is no gamma adjustment.


Mazzar, ok so its not ruined but it sux (imo). So what if you cant tell if they're your friends, you can SEE THEM when you shouldn't be able too, that's my point, whats the point in hiding in shadows when they're now grey and don't hide you. I want to be able to use the darkness to walk right up to people if I'm good enough. With gamma up I throw away my nvgs. That ain't right.


Please make this game what its meant to be rocket!  HARDCORE!!!!!

Edited by mrwolfnz

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While it would undoubtably take some reworking of the engine, I think an interesting option is to have things somewhat visible close to you, but become even darker the farther out they are, unless you have a light source of NVG.

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