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Change the 'Magnum .357'

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Very minor complaint, but they honestly should just keep it as the 'Colt Python' or something remotely similar other than just a 'Magnum .357', because when they generically name guns it implies that there will only be one or two firearms of each type. That is all.


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If they want to change the name they have to pay a royalty fee to the weapon manufacturer, because DayZ is now a commerical product. This is why they won't do it.

Edited by Ozelot
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He's asking to rename it to an actual name because there are multiple .357 revolvers out there

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If they want to change the name they have to pay a royalty fee to the weapon manufacturer, because DayZ is now a commerical product. This is why they won't do it.

I wasn't suggesting actually changing it to 'Colt Python', but moreso giving it a fake but unique name, rather than something generic.

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I wasn't suggesting actually changing it to 'Colt Python', but moreso giving it a fake but unique name, rather than something generic.

I don't mind too much, just change the name if they plan on adding another large .357

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How can you read that?!? :o

Well you can clearly see it is saying something like "Colt's Manufacturing Company", which is what is on the actual side of the Python. Also, the gun has the same appearance.

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