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Item/Zombie spawning idea.

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This popped up in to my mind while I was playing. So everyone knows that items and zombies respawn when the server restarts BUT what if there was a GLOBAL timer 1-3 hours, which would start spawning items and zombies around the map (but not near players).

The time shouldn't always be 1, 2 or 3 hours it should vary ALOT. For example completely random it could be 2 hours and 11 minutes 40 seconds. That would make it less exploitable.

I am sure there are dozens of ideas similar to mine and that's why I want some opinions and more ideas so that we could "perfect" this system.

So let the ideas flow through you  :thumbsup:!

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Good idea, but another system is in the works. Loot and zombies will spawn once players leave the vicinity of the town after a certain amount of time (an hour or so?). Kind of opposite to the old system as loot is persistent even when no players are around.

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