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DayZ SA Create Server

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Good morning.


We are a Gamer community and we have a dedicated server.


How can we create a server official "dayz standalone"?



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^ Pretty much this


Try one of these if you want a official community server.






Probally some more hosters, but you can see that in your serverlist.

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Those are the only 3 hosts currently available.  This isn't your standard hosting solution requirements so new hosts are a ways off and private hosting is probably even farther off.  I wouldn't expect to be able to have your own private server hosted on your own box until we are well into the beta.

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Those are the only 3 hosts currently available.  This isn't your standard hosting solution requirements so new hosts are a ways off and private hosting is probably even farther off.  I wouldn't expect to be able to have your own private server hosted on your own box until we are well into the beta.

I wouldn't say well into the beta, i should think that the files will be released when the server files and the game have been rid of serious bugs. And when rocket is confident that their database servers wont blow up.

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Gaming Deluxe ltd also host's/rent the Public DayZ Standalone Server's

At a great price, as I have my box at there data center.

Edited by Faz

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I don't think GamingDeluxe is an official hoster. fragnet.net is tho.

By having access to the server files doesn't that kind make them official? I just don't see how else they would have obtained those files, other than from official sources.

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Getting connected to the hive means your an official host I think. Getting files is the easiest part to get, Dayz started as a private project for Rocket and his friends and some how people got their hands on the server files and were joining his server If I remember correctly, so if there is a way people always find it same goes with server files if people will find them somewhere they will use them.


Just make sure you contact a host and ask if their servers are connected to the official Dayz SA hive.

Edited by Chauz

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See I just want the server files to create a server that is not connected to the main hive 


Cant help you with that  :(

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