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Dayz Item: Driver's License

Do you think a character driver's license would be a good, realistic, item idea to find the names of characters?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think a character driver's license would be a good, realistic, item idea to find the names of characters?

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I think it would be a great idea if your new characters spawned with a driver's license in their inventory so that when you die the people that find you or kill you can figure out the dead character's name by looking at the character's driver's license.


I don't agree with a name over the character's head in game; this game is a simulator and placing the character's name for everyone to see ingame is too unrealistic, if the player want's you to know his name he will tell you as in real life. And since a drivers license is one of the most common name printed items carried by a person, it would be a nice realistic way to get a bit of information from the character in dayz, such as a name.

Edited by theysaid...
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I'd imagine people would just throw it away since it takes the extra slot. At least i would, unless it was for RP'ing or something. But yeah, decent idea. Or maybe a sort of.. dogtag or something, which only takes a slot on your neck in the inventory? It doesn't have to be so realistic in my opinion.

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I think it would be a great idea if your new characters spawned with a driver's licens in their invintory so that when you die the people that find you or kill you can figure out the dead characters name by looking at the character's driver's license.


I dont agree with a name over the characters head in game; this game is a simulator and placing the characters name for everyone to see ingame is too unrealistic, if the player want's you to know his name he will tell you as in real life. And since a drivers license is one of the most common name printed items caried by a person, it would be a nice realistic way to get a bit of information from the character in dayz, such as a name.


I do like the concept of this, as I hate the idea of nametags but do like the idea of ID'ing someone you've just killed, however I don't find it very plausible that all of the remaining living occupants of Chernarus would still carry around a driver's license. It seems like a pretty impractical thing to carry around years after a zombie apocalypse.

Edited by Panic!
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Would be a space waster if it took up a spot in your inventory and people would just drop it at the coast.


Would be nice feature if you were studying/examining a dead body and on-screen would display a drivers license.

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As konna said, I'd just take space in your inventory... Maybe a system like the "inspect body" menu from the mod could be implemented? But with the character alive of course

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Hey, thanks for the great feedback.

I guess the driver's license could be designed to take no slots as it is only a single card.

As for carrying a driver's license during the zombie apocalypse; maybe it doesn't have to be a driver's license but some kind of information card that the survivor has created containing a little info such as their name? That may make a little more since in the apocalypse setting.

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Would be a space waster if it took up a spot in your inventory and people would just drop it at the coast.


Would be nice feature if you were studying/examining a dead body and on-screen would display a drivers license.

Adding the driver's license to the examine screen is a good idea too.

Edited by theysaid...

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I like the idea of being able to inspect a dead body and to be told how long they have been dead and exactly what killed them ..

"Mr x died from bleeding out from a zombie bite / mosin gun wound / fall from a light house 20 minutes ago"

Or maybe not naming the player just saying this survivor died from etc..

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I like the idea of being able to inspect a dead body and to be told how long they have been dead and exactly what killed them ..

"Mr x died from bleeding out from a zombie bite / mosin gun wound / fall from a light house 20 minutes ago"

Or maybe not naming the player just saying this survivor died from etc..


Could work if some body identifying skill/progression (I personally don't like having skill tree's or anything, instead an invisible progression, that you can learn things while living, just like the regular human being.)


Realized my post went a bit off topic considering that the OP was talking about name identification.

Edited by Konna
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I kind of like it, I actually think it is something that people would hold onto, as its lightweight and small, just to remember who they were/are. Maybe if it just spawned on death or if when you examined the bodies it showed it or something.

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I like the idea of being able to inspect a dead body and to be told how long they have been dead and exactly what killed them ..

"Mr x died from bleeding out from a zombie bite / mosin gun wound / fall from a light house 20 minutes ago"

Or maybe not naming the player just saying this survivor died from etc..


Could work if some body identifying skill/progression (I personally don't like having skill tree's or anything, instead an invisible progression, that you can learn things while living, just like the regular human being.)


Realized my post went a bit off topic considering that the OP was talking about name identification.

Yeah, I'm not sure how skill progression would be implemented. The original "driver's license/survival name and info card" idea is an attempt at a simple solution to find the name of the people that are killed in dayz.

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Dog tags anyone? I say just fix or improve the inspect dead player function.

Dog tags would work as well but given that Dayz is more of a civilian survival simulator I dont know if military dog tags would make as much sense.

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I don't like this idea. Who would keep their drivers license in apocalypse, really? The game environment and loot amount definitely indicates that DayZ isn't set in time when apocalypse just started, but awhile after that. Who would still have their drivers license by then?

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I don't like this idea. Who would keep their drivers license in apocalypse, really? The game environment and loot amount definitely indicates that DayZ isn't set in time when apocalypse just started, but awhile after that. Who would still have their drivers license by then?

The driver's license was the initial idea. I tend to think that people would keep it because it's an official government issued card (even if that government does not exist any more because of the apocalypse) and it has a little info on it including the persons name; it's also a very light weight, thin, plastic card that is easily stored. You and a few previous posters have mentioned that people my not keep it so maybe the driver's license idea could be changed to a survival info card that the survivor has created containing a little info and their name.

Thanks for all the feedback!

Edited by theysaid...

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Interesting idea for sure. Personally if the zambie apocalypse kicked off I would probably keep my wallet with me for a good while just out of sheer habit. Probably longer as it would help to identify myself to other people in some scenarios.

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Yes x100.


edit:  Would be like a token for killing someone, and having their name!

Edited by slovak_medic
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Just a note, my liscense has my Blood Type on it.  Would be nice to know my own blood type and be able to save the test kits for other people I am stealing the blood from.


Also +1 for the idea.

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I quite like it! As long as it doesnt take inventory space, otherwise people would get rid of it.

Edited by Grumpy Monkey
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Just a note, my liscense has my Blood Type on it.  Would be nice to know my own blood type and be able to save the test kits for other people I am stealing the blood from.


Also +1 for the idea.

Nice! that is a great idea and would be very helpful.

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I would think I'd keep my wallet with my ID and all the pictures I have in it after a zombie apocalypse. It's not like it takes up much space, just a back pocket that I never for anything else. I'd prolly dump out all my credit cards and other pointless crap in there, but Driver's license I'd think I'd hold onto. It's just a simple little card but it tells a lot about you. How you looked before it all started, when you were born, where you were from, if you were an organ donor, not to mention your name. That kind of stuff holds an emotional and mental value especially after the world's gone to hell. Helps remind you who you are and that you're human and what life used to be like. 


As for game mechanics, I figure if you find a dead body a simple inspect body option along with check pulse, etc. should be available, and if you inspect them some flavor text about finding a wallet and ID can pop up and tell you their name along with whatever else may be pertinent. No used inventory slot, you get a bit of immersion, and you get to find out who's dead body it is.

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I would think I'd keep my wallet with my ID and all the pictures I have in it after a zombie apocalypse. It's not like it takes up much space, just a back pocket that I never for anything else. I'd prolly dump out all my credit cards and other pointless crap in there, but Driver's license I'd think I'd hold onto. It's just a simple little card but it tells a lot about you. How you looked before it all started, when you were born, where you were from, if you were an organ donor, not to mention your name. That kind of stuff holds an emotional and mental value especially after the world's gone to hell. Helps remind you who you are and that you're human and what life used to be like. 


As for game mechanics, I figure if you find a dead body a simple inspect body option along with check pulse, etc. should be available, and if you inspect them some flavor text about finding a wallet and ID can pop up and tell you their name along with whatever else may be pertinent. No used inventory slot, you get a bit of immersion, and you get to find out who's dead body it is.

Great points! You summed up the idea well.

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I like the idea of carrying around a wallet with information in it. Maybe an ID w/ name, blood type, etc. Then you could also store notes, pamphlets,  or some other small items in there.

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