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Blurry vision after a fight. NOW FULL and no thirst or hunger. If I lay down in forrest will VISION GET CLEAR AGAIN?

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I got into an axe fight with a guy and killed him.  I bandaged up with clean bandages and then stopped all hunger and thirst and am now sitting still in the forrest.  


Will my vision get clear again?  Too blurry to play.  I've heard that people heal up when full over time.

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if you drink and eat alot until you are fully fed then you will start to gain blood slowly after your blood is full you will start to gain health

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  On 12/21/2013 at 3:52 PM, venkman302 said:

I got into an axe fight with a guy and killed him.  I bandaged up with clean bandages and then stopped all hunger and thirst and am now sitting still in the forrest.  


Will my vision get clear again?  Too blurry to play.  I've heard that people heal up when full over time.



Go into Options > Grafic settings > back to the game > FIXED

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If you notice its not going away or its a bug, tur off post processing, that should not render the blur, but you should try eating and resting, if you acctualy got hit try some painkillers.

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means u are very low on blood. get a lot of food and drink into ur character and wait till u heal

good luck

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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:14 PM, ShokeR said:

if you drink and eat alot until you are fully fed then you will start to gain blood slowly after your blood is full you will start to gain health

+vitamin pills


eat/drink more than usual


if this is grey low blood screen. 


curently there is also weird lines glitch screen, but it sounds like you're just low on hp.


at this point if you're alone with no ^full blood bag it's probably better to backflip and kill yourself.


i also think nighttime needs heavy moonlight so as not to ruin ArmA2's good looks for the sake of darkness

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Also you need to be well fed and hydrated to regen your blood.  This does not mean fed and hydrated enough to turn off your warning indicators, keep eating and drinking then do it some more.  It's nearly impossible to get full but you'll get warnings when you are close.  I'd say 30 drinks and 30 eats to be safe.

Edited by fooferz

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ok, so what would normally be the fastest way to heal myself without just waiting on food and drink?  a bloodbag?  don't I need someone to give it to me?  Will I just FIND a full bloodbag out there and be able to use it on myself?  what about saline?


Can someone elaborate here on the best ways to heal myself quickly as a lone wolf type player AND also maybe if I had one friend?



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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:34 PM, venkman302 said:

ok, so what would normally be the fastest way to heal myself without just waiting on food and drink?  a bloodbag?  don't I need someone to give it to me?  Will I just FIND a full bloodbag out there and be able to use it on myself?  what about saline?


Can someone elaborate here on the best ways to heal myself quickly as a lone wolf type player AND also maybe if I had one friend?




you have to prepare yourself before hand.


bloodbags spawn empty

bloodgroups are in game so if you get blood from another player you will need to be compatible and both blood tested

you need to remove your own blood beforehand to give yourself a transfusion


blood heals at increased rate with vitamin pills and higher food levels.



>get blood bag

>fill blood bag

>take vitamins and eat/drink


that's how you gotta do it.


i believe saline is an option.

Edited by Wookieenoob
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If its just blurry and not color faded from lack of blood Esc menu > Video > Configure should clear it. Happens to me occasionally on log ins.

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  On 12/21/2013 at 4:37 PM, Wookieenoob said:

you have to prepare yourself before hand.


bloodbags spawn empty

bloodgroups are in game so if you get blood from another player you will need to be compatible and both blood tested

you need to remove your own blood beforehand to give yourself a transfusion


blood heals at increased rate with vitamin pills and higher food levels.



>get blood bag

>fill blood bag

>take vitamins and eat/drink


that's how you gotta do it.


i believe saline is an option.



Edited by venkman302

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how do I test blood?


Can I just fill a bloodbag when I'm healthy early and then use it later when I'm hurt.?


Lastly, what is the SOLO version so I don't have to rely on another as I lone wolf a decent amount.



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