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Broken Bones

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I like and understand the necessity for broken bones but I have an issue how interspaced morphine is on the map. A suggestion would be that cooked meat and several bandages could heal a broken bone or that it takes a fair amount of time to heal. I'm a gazillion miles away from the nearest hospital so I suppose this is born from my own personal exasperation ;P


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Coming from this thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18573

As far as I know the bone breaking from dropping from 2 steps or from going over a rock thing is an ARMA II issue, so there isn't much that can be done right now.

To remedy this a bit I have the following suggestion.

Make bones not break so easily at first, but increase the chance of breaking bones every time it happens (by infected hits/gunshot wounds/hatchet)

1). All is well, bones will not break from random bugs

2) 1st broken bones, increase chance to break bones by 15%

3) 2nd broken bones increase chance to break bones by 20%

4) 3rd broken bones increse chance to break bones by 30% (this value would be the level it is now - very frail)

etc. etc.

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