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Looking to start/join a group.

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Ok so I am looking to join/start a group. I have only been playing for a week but know enough to keep me alive, I was recently killed and now have a Winchester, Revolver and a Czech backpack.

I am only 14 coming 15 and I have a mic and know how to work all the 3rd party talking programs(vent,ts,skype). I sadly still do have a young sounding voice but I would love to be in a tactical group and I would say I am mature. And I really don't mind "bad" language because what 13+ year old does?

My play style Is self-defence but if Im with people I am more tactical, I personally think I shot and ask questions later when Im alone in big city's e.g Cherno/electro.

If you would like to add me on steam or post your steam name so if more than one person replies we can make a group please do.

Steam: Dylan9889

IG: Dylan

So if you don't mind the young voice please say. Also could you post your play style so I know what to expect thanks


Thought I should say I am from Northern Ireland so usually on EU/UK servers and am on at GMT-0 time.

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Count me in, : Equinox. Its the blue W thumbnail.. cant miss it. : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jammecd3

Also. I'm 17. if that matters or not.

Lastly: I'm a sniper.... I used to protect the new spawns from bandits. Until that got boring. then i tracked bandits. and then i BECAME a bandit.. and.. well. now i'm friendly. <_< but as long as you have my back. i'll have yours. and whomever else is traveling with us.

As a side note. If you feel the need to commit to banditry. i'll be more than happy to help. however, i'll never attack anyone in our group.

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Hey, I am a newish player to DayZ and have been looking for someone to play with and would love to join your group! Add isaacharrispwnsu on skype.

I'm 14 and have been told I act very old for my age from a lot of people. Or add isaacharrisw on steam.

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Really would like to join your group if it's still possible, I'm 19 and played day z alone for a while but it jsut sucks when you're looting and no one checks your back :D

Add me!

Skype: phr0x93

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Really would like to join your group if it's still possible' date=' I'm 19 and played day z alone for a while but it jsut sucks when you're looting and no one checks your back :D

Add me!

Skype: phr0x93


Hey man I'm zack I'm a 18 year old and I'm looking to find someone to play in a group if you want to play together that would be awesome

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