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Worst Dayz Squad Ever

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Have a short story for you guys. I will make it quick. I was in cherno unarmed and got stopped by some bandits. I was asked to drop all my loot and go prone and I would not be killed. The squad consisted of 5 players. One with an m4, one with a pistol and the others had axes. They handcuffed me and one began to loot me while another attempted to hatchet me in the head. Instead he hit his buddy that was looting me in the head and I proceded to laugh and make fun of them. Also little did they know my two companions had just showed up at the scene armed to the teeth. Unfortunately for them they were too busy staring at the naked chick they had handcuffed on the ground and they all ate led. Moral of the story is when you have a hostage do not let your entire squad stand around her and gawk. Try securing the area first because chances are the hostage you have that was unarmed is bait and you just set the hook.

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