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Anyone else lag after update?

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Before today's update, I was able to run the highest settings with no problems with frame rate. After update, I have huge frame rate problems even on medium settings. Anyone else?

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After the 3rd? patch, iv been getting 2sec lag spikes. But nothing too game hogging.

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After the 3rd? patch, iv been getting 2sec lag spikes. But nothing too game hogging.

I'm constantly lagging, not just spikes. :/

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I'm constantly lagging, not just spikes. :/


When i join servers,(and can finally see my character) i also get incredable amount of network lag,  download and upload rates skyrocket, and i am unable to play at all...  All interaction with items in my inventory sit at [Receiving...] More to the point, it is hogging all bandwidth and i am unable to even use anything else requiring internet until i leave the game. Sometimes having to go as far as a reboot of the modem, and or dnsflush and /release /renew ip.This happened after that last update on 12-20-13.   Played fine before this update no problems including streaming Netflix.


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I'm having the exact same problem Toxicprod  :(

FIXED::  Turns out bagception breaks the game,   Backpack(35 slot) contained a backpack(30slot) which contained a 6 slot case, which contained a 6 slot case, which contained an ammo box...   Game didnt like that.

dumped all boxes back to stock backpack by dropping item as soon as i joined game,   disconnecting, reconnecting, sorting inventory asap after joining server,  disconnect, reconnect,  sort again if need be, DC/RC   problem solved. 


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