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Bleeding (Over Powered)

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RamataKahn, please add more to the conversation than it's not at all. It is Over Powered in an realism accept. It doesn't make any sense for that kind of bleeding to occur as often as it does. So please add to the conversation if you have something to say. 


By the way, you state you haven't had any problems with bleeding out. I guess that solved the problem of zombies slapping you and instantly bleeding. All hail the almighty Ramata Kahn. He has an opinion contrary to mine. You're supreme.




Please add more than " No, it's not " or there's no point in really saying anything. Your post on the first page was ignored by people posting because you didn't add anything. It was a statement, but there's no point in posting the same thing on all pages of the thread if you aren't going to discuss it.


I am interested in people's opinion on the matter, not their yea or nay, but what they think about the damage model and or bleeding. 

Edited by milkyway12

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  I dont feel that AT THIS POINT bleeding is OP....


 Lets be honest here.... How many of you have been infected yet??  And how many of you are like me, and search entire towns to find nothing but shoes and jeans?? 



  I think that, until the Loot table has been "improved"  to allow loot to spawn only where it is intended, and with enough frequency that i can stop dying of thirst before finding a drink, that the bleeding is fine, it compensates for the lack of "infection"  and the lack of "infection" compensates for the lack antibiotics in most areas..... 



  in short.... Leave the Bleeding as-is until the medical / loot / illness system has been improved and/or implemented.... 

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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:29 AM, crosa said:

I have to agree that the bleeding needs to be toned down... especially based on what you are wearing... its like the humans in the game have tissue paper skin... if im wearing a rain coat it should damage the rain coat all the way then I should start being able to get scratched by the zombies... and it should not take 2 minutes of whacking at a zombie with a baseball bat to kill them... since the SA came out i have only died from zombies making me bleed out of every limb cause im trying to beat them to death with the baseball bat or a crowbar... its a bit much... hopefully the reworking of the zombies will make them a bit easier to land a critical hit on the first or second swing...

Zombies never hit me anymore. When they lunge at you side step to the side at wack 'em with your melee weapon. Keep in mind, apparently the melee weapon has to PHYSICALLY touch the zombie to count as a hit, its not like the mod where you can swing and hit someone 1-2 meters in front of you.

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