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I am just wanting to clear up something,

if I start bleeding ,ie getting clipped by a zombie, or being injured in combat and bandage wounds with rags or bandage I am fine for about 30 mins

then my screen starts to fade away and I go unconscious, game over.

I heard you have to clean the wounds before you bandage or you get infection and die.

Again if this is the case its too extreme, I have never found anything to clean a wound in 15 hours playing time.

I have got a disinfectant spray from dead person but never found one myself, if I get injured early doors its basically game over in half hour and if that doesn't get you thirst and starvation will.


any tips, I am sick of getting stuff (which takes ages for just basic stuff) only to lose it all to a minor wound.

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Strange, this doesn't happen to me.

I'm pretty sure you will be told by the game if you are infected, but I've never geotten an infected wound.

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this has happened every time I have been injured, the end is nigh, this guy was saying before you use rags you must use disinfectant or you will get infection as time goes on, same with bullet wounds or bladed weapons....apparatnly.

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*sigh* Infections don't just happen without you getting warnings for that half hour. Are you moaning? Does it say you have a funny taste in your mouth? Does it say you feel unsteady? Does it say you are sick in your inventory screen? You don't just get a wound, bind it, and then mysteriously drop dead a half hour later with nothing else informing you as to what is going on in this game. I mean they are sometimes cryptic, but there is always 10 to 12 warnings that something bad is happening and after a bit you can figure out what it is. 

You "can" get sick but it actually sounds like you are probably dying of dehydration or something else. 

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I have seen the "funny taste" I my mouth a few times, as there is no icons to show blood level, food level and water level (apart from being written in green,amber,red) its hard to know whats going on espescially with infections.

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