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Speculation on the combat logging

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 I think Dean Hall is well, well aware of this issue and he knew it was going to be a problem, but based on the extensive research, and stalking of every word Dean Hall says, the only reason this is still a thing is because it allows him and his team to test the game in real time more efficiently. If they added a 10 second logout timer, that would mean each time he tests the game in its real form he would lose 10 seconds each time he needed to log in and log out, and it would also cause issues for players who crash.


 That said, Combat logging is a MAJOR drawback to gameplay and is being adopted faster than the plague.


It's really bad, even for testing, it keeps players alive longer than they should be alive.   Thus, as more and more people do this, the more loot, the more fully geared, the more trolling will happen in the game. It hurts the flow of the game as natural selection should eliminate players, keeping the pool of fully geared people very unrealistically high. It doesn't just hurt testing, it also hurts the morale of the community, which is priceless. 


Current combat system:


Pro's: Faster Development, protection for crashes


Cons: Unrealistic test flow, community damage

Edited by Frost20

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Rocket gave his reasoning here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/



Game Exploits

* Combat logging protection not working
Currently many of our features such as queued loading, combat logging timeout, etc... have been disabled as there is the possibility that they will cause additional strain on the central server. Once we know that we can handle the load we will begin implementing these. We do expect this will be a long process, and we'll be working with the community to identify effective ways to deal with this. In the meantime, it is going to be 

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frost20 got some nice points too though. good thinking and logic is definitely there.

nonetheless, i dont mind the current state of thigns.

ill let rocket do what ever he wants to make this game better, and i certainly see the improvements that have already been made and the ones that are soon (and also those that are not so soon) to come.

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