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Teleported Off Building to Ocean

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Tried to post this in the bug forum but wouldn't accept my username/password so i;m doing it here,


So i was on top of a industral building on the coast in Electro and turned to head back to the door leading down when all of the sudden i teleported to the middle of the ocean, luckly i figured out which way was shore, but as i approached shore i noticed my M4 and back pack jumped off my body and started floating behind me couldn't pick either back up just thought i'll let yah guyz know don't go on buildings near the shore for now

Edited by Lavitcas

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Upon reaching shore(after what seemed like hours) logging out and back in i discoved all my gear had returned to my person, And i landed on shore near the crashed Cargo Ship which i must say is absolutly amzing to visit

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