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Omega-6 [DayZ Military Survivor Team]

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Omega 6 is a militarised group of survivors in the Eastern European Post Soviet state known as Chernarus. As a well constructed clan, we often carry out town/village sweeps and contamination processes on certain areas. You will often see us roleplay to some degree as we think it adds to the depth of the game.

Upon joining Omega 6, You will be assigned to a Fireteam. Within this fireteam, you will be put with three other users that you will learn to trust and get on with. Fireteams are used and instructed by CO's to overcome tactical dilemma's such as flanking, clearing buildings, suppressive fire & distraction.

Benefits of being in such a clan, you will get more loot, survive much longer and have the fun and experience of working in a group in DayZ. We are a serious roleplay group and use military tactics and skills to enhance yours and our DayZ experience.

Our rules to consider before applying.

1) We use tactical realism rules. Please work as a team and try to act as tactically realistic as possible.

2) Simulate you're character as if it were you. Take note of you're surroundings.

3) Be careful when out on the open, bear in mind that everything you can see, can see you, always we crouched if one is doing so.

4) Always stay within you're fireteam's proximity and on communication.

5) Communication is essential, without it, team structure will fall, as will ordinance.

6) Always listen to you're CO and their orders, they are for you're own good, and you're teams as well.

7) Do not fire a firearm unless the rule of engagement of fire at will is given. Any user disobeying such a rule will be given a strike.

8) Found and collecting loot will be shared by those who find it, equally and fairly.

9) Share resources and items to those who need it, doing this will increase clan recognition & candidacy for medals.

10) Always remember which fireteam you belong too, as its mandatory when problems arise.

11) While online and playing DayZ, you are required to be on voice chat using our Teamspeak Server.

For more Information and Applications please visit:


PS: The forum and TS server is still under Construction.

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Out of curiosity, what are your ROE when it comes to encountering other players? Will you open fire upon non-hostile non-Omega 6 players? If not, would you be willing to assist non-hostile survivors?

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No one fires a weapon unless cleared by their Fireteam CO. If any players act hostile they will receive warning shots and will be asked to leave the area.

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I am interested in joining. You can PM, or email me at Zombine64@comcast.net . Let me know, I have a mic, and have had military training so this could me mutually beneficial.

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