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Making torches.

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We almost have all the items already in the game to make torches that could give off a much better light than chemlights and etc. We have hatchets for getting wood piles, we have matches, maybe add a rag item tool we put it all together to make a torch.

I'm sure there are a few others out there that have setup campfires for light in towns or what ever place you currently were in at night time. It gives off a nice big natural lighting to the area. I thought it would be awesome if we could have that same natural looking light from a fire and move around with it on our hunts, so why not add the ability to make torches.

Let me know what you guys think.

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I like this idea of implementing fire torches into the game. You could possible use the torches to create brush fires or burn houses and tents down and they could also become a distraction to zombies or a hazard so it is easier to get away or something like that.

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