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In almost every server there is one guy on some global chat?

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Its getting really annoying to hear a guy talk all the time and he is nowhere near u..... and this happens often. Right at this very moment someone has open microphone and i can litteraly hear him breathe to my ear and klicking his mouse. How can i disable just that global voice and not direct?

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._. thanks...at least now i can hear him breathe in peace.

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TELL him to STFU , I've had guys literally commentating their every move, stern words have proved to work well

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TELL him to STFU , I've had guys literally commentating their every move, stern words have proved to work well


Finnish dude screaming about zombies for 10mins... And i couldnt get on global. It ended abrubtly though. Even if it was finnish he named the locations where he was. Sometimes it works out :D

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Go to your options and turn VON Volume to 0.. This will remove the Sidechat but you will still be able to hear people talking in direct chat.

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