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Those Saying They Expected More From the Alpha...

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From what I learned while following the development Day Z Standalone was built off of the Take On Helicopters engine, and from what I've heard Dean isn't the most experienced modder working with a relatively small team on limited resources. Why is it that all the naysayers seem baffled that their aren't more features in a year when they've had to essentially rebuild the entire game on an engine designed for a helicopter simulator? Frankly for me, the game looks much better, plays much smoother, and generally feels more immersive than the mod. Really, if they just fix the broken melee system and zombie spawning (zombies already better than the mod in my opinion,) as well as integrate vehicles and the new weapons, I can't see any way it isn't an improvement. 

I'm just curious, is there anyone here with coding experience who knows the ins and out of accomplishing what the DayZ team has done? 

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